CAN-SPAM Compliance

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Jika anda memulai kampanye email atau jika anda memasarkan via email, namun tidak yakin apakah email pemasaran anda sesuai dengan CAN-SPAM, artikel ini menjelaskan undang-undang CAN-SPAM dan bagaimana memastikan bahwa program email anda sesuai dengan aturan CAN-SPAM di Amerika Serikat. Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Yah, kita harus bersabar dengan Indonesia. Paling tidak ini bisa menjadi masukan bagi kita semua.

Apa itu CAN-SPAM dan Mengapa Penting?

Mungkin saja anda tidak tahu apa itu CAN-SPAM. Mungkin anda pikir itu melibatkan produk daging olahan yang populer. Namun, jika anda akan mengirim email ke pelanggan anda, CAN-SPAM adalah undang-undang yang sangat penting yang perlu anda ketahui. Ini mengatur apakah email yang anda kirim dianggap sebagai komunikasi legal atau spam ilegal yang tidak diminta. Jika anda tidak mematuhinya, anda dikenai hukuman denda dan penalty dari pemerintah federal A.S.

Pada artikel ini, akan diberi tentang sejarah CAN-SPAM dan memberi tahu anda apa yang perlu anda lakukan untuk mencapai CAN-SPAM compliance.

Sentuhan Sejarah: di undangkannya CAN-SPAM

Pada tahun 2003, karena kotak inbox masuk dibanjiri spam email yang tidak diinginkan, pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat bertindak dengan berlalunya hukum CAN-SPAM. CAN-SPAM adalah singkatan dari Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act tahun 2003. Pada dasarnya, undang-undang tersebut menetapkan sejumlah persyaratan yang perlu dipenuhi untuk mengirim email komersial kepada pelanggan.

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa undang-undang tersebut membuat perbedaan antara email komersial dan email transaksional. Jika anda menanggapi permintaan layanan pelanggan atau mengirim tanda terima pembelian email secara otomatis, anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan kepatuhan CAN-SPAM. Namun, email yang berisi informasi pemasaran atau permintaan pelanggan harus sesuai dengan persyaratan undang-undang (dan itu mencakup mempromosikan tautan ke konten di situs web berbasis iklan). Setiap pelanggaran terhadap peraturan dalam persyaratan kepatuhan CAN-SPAM dapat membuat Anda terbuka dengan denda sampai $16.000, jadi mengikuti peraturan itu penting! Untungnya, ada daftar periksa yang mudah untuk Anda ikuti.

Cek list Kepatuhan pada CAN-SPAM

Begitu anda melewati semua bahasa hukum, CAN-SPAM Compliance tidak terlalu rumit. Jika anda hanya mengikuti 7 langkah sederhana, anda akan benar-benar aman.

Step 1: Be Who You Say You Are!

You can't pretend to be another website or company just to get a user to open an email (or to avoid emails going to junk). This is a popular trick offshore spammers use to get through spam filters, but it's illegal. The email address that you send from (the "from" address and the reply-to address) must be your own. The domain that you promote in the email must either be your own or be one that you are authorized to promote, and it MUST be the domain that you say it is (i.e.: you can't tell people that they are going to a site that sells coffee and then send them to an adult entertainment site). Basically, the information that a customer sees in the email has to actually be you or your business.

Step 2: Don't Lie in the Subject Line

This one is easy. If your email subject line says that opening the email will give the user a daily quote of the day, then that's what needs to be in the email. You can't use a subject line that promises a discount on groceries and then present an email that promotes anything other than a discount on groceries. In short, your subject line has to be truthful. The terminology of the law is that your subject line can't be "misleading".

Step 3: Tell Them That You're an Advertisement

You can do this many ways, including small print at the bottom of the email. However, somewhere in your email, you need to make it clear that the email is an advertisement. It may seem obvious to you, but the law says that you need to make it explicit at least once in the email.

Step 4: You Need to Have an Actual Physical Location

This one is also simple. Somewhere in your email you must provide a physical postal address (street or postal box) where you can receive communications via mail. This ensures that you are not a scammer and also allows customers a way of sending a verified communication to you to remove themselves from your mailing list.

Step 5: You Have to Let People Know How to Opt-Out

You cannot (and should not) send a marketing email without letting users know how to stop you from sending future emails to them. This is called allowing email Opt-Out of your email list. This is typically done at the bottom of the email. The only actual CAN-SPAM Compliance requirement is that it be easy for an ordinary person to recognize and read this information. Also important is the "universal unsub rule". If you have multiple newsletters or email lists, you may allow a person to unsub from only one list. However, you MUST provide the option of unsubscribing from ALL future marketing email of any kind. Unsubscribing from all future marketing email is called a "universal unsub".

Step 6: When People Want Off Your Email List, Take Them Off.

When somebody requests an opt-out or unsub from your email list or lists, you have up to 10 business days to remove them. When you send an email, the information or link to unsubscribe from that email must be valid for 30 days. You're not allowed to charge a fee for removal from the list or require any information other than the user's email address. Most importantly, the user can't be required to do anything other than send you a reply email or visit a SINGLE webpage to unsubscribe. Finally, once a user has unsubscribed, you may not under any circumstance sell or rent that person's email to anybody else. This is the most complicated part of the law, but it's also the most important. And, if you don't honor it, it's the easiest to get in trouble for because people will get upset if they continue to receive unwanted email from you.

Step 7: Make Sure You Know What Your Marketing Agency is Doing!

Also make sure that you know what your affiliates are doing! Make sure that you know what anybody who sends email on your behalf is doing! You are legally responsible for the actions of anybody you hire or authorize to send marketing email on your behalf.

There you go. Follow these simple seven steps, and you will be CAN-SPAM compliant. Most third-party email platform providers will actually make sure that any of these criteria that can be automated (such as physical address, unsub links and removing unsubscribed members) are automated. However, it's in your best interest to always review your marketing emails before they go out to make sure that they meet every criterion on the checklist!