PSX: Install ePSXe emulator

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How to install pSX, ePSXe, PCSX Reloaded on Ubuntu 10.10 x86
   First of all if you notice any mistakes please tell me. I wrote this so that no one has to go thought the massive pain of finding all the solutions for these emulators.
   How To Use

   This guide is set up in the format of explaining how to manually perform each step and then providing command line instructions to do them automatically. Some commands require you to have a specific file structure. Also, every blue word is a link to a website or download.

   PCSX Reloaded - Recommended

   There are multiple ways to get pcsxr. You can download from there site, or get it from playdeb. Playdeb does not contain the OpenGL plugin that the site does. So basically if you need fullscreen and more resolutions, download from the site here. If you want the PlayDeb version simply run these commands.
   sudo dpkg -i playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install pcsxr
   pscxr can simulate a bios file. However if you need to use a bios, just move the bios file into "~/.pcsx/bios/".
   cp scph1001.bin ~/.pcsx/bios/
   If you are using the PlayDeb version and really want an opengl driver you can get one from Pete's Domain. Note however that this plugin config uses GTK+1.2. So you must install GTK+1.2 or edit the setting in the .cfg file. [See ePSXe on how to get GTK+1.2].
   tar xzvf gpupeopsmesagl178.tar.gz
   mv peops_psx_mesagl_gpu/*PeopsMesaGL* ~/.pcsx/plugins/
   rm -r peops_psx_mesagl_gpu/
   Now, you should be all set.

   ePSXe via Wine - Best Compatibility

   First, you will need Wine. Which version of wine you install is up to you. Ubuntu by default comes with Wine 1.2.x. You can install it with your package manager. You can also add a more up to date PPA to get Wine 1.3.x. Wine places everything it needs in a ".wine" folder. Wine will not create its ".wine" folder unless a program that uses Wine has been ran. So after you install Wine, run "winecfg".
   sudo apt-get install wine1.2
   sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install wine1.3
   Now, you have to download ePSXe from there site. You need to place it in your wine's drive_c folder. You can put it anywhere you like, but I place it in a folder called "Emulators".
   unzip -d ePSXe
   mkdir -p ~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators
   mv ePSXe ~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators
   This will make a Emulators folder in your wine's drive_c and place ePSXe in it. It is assumed this is how your file structure is for the rest of the guide.
   ePSXe uses plugins to handle things like graphics and sound. A very good site for plugins is Some plugins might work better for your system, but in general you only need this plugin - graphics. I found that a sound plugin was not nessisary for my system. However, if needed just go to and select a sound plugin. Now, we need to place the plugin in the correct spot so ePSXe can find and use them. Extract the *.dll files and place them in "~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators/ePSXe/plugins" folder.
   unzip -d PeteGPU
   mv PeteGPU/*.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators/ePSXe/plugins/
   rm -r PeteGPU/
   Now all you need is a bios file. Just move the bios file into "~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators/ePSXe/bios/".
   cp scph1001.bin ~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators/ePSXe/bios/
   You can now run ePSXe.
   cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Emulators/ePSXe
   wine epsxe.exe
   Now you just have to configure ePSXe to your liking.

   ePSXe Native

   As far as I know, there is no package for ePSXe. So, you have to download it from there site.
   unzip -d ePSXe
   mkdir ~/Emulators
   mv ePSXe ~/Emulators
   This will make a Emulators folder in your home and place ePSXe in it. It is assumed this is how your file structure is for the rest of the guide.
   ePSXe uses plugins to handle things like graphics and sound. A very good site for plugins is Some plugins might work better for your system, but in general you want to get these plugins - graphics, sound.
   Unforcunitly, the plugins use GTK+1.2. This is a problem because it has been depreciated and is no long available. To get it, we need to add a PPA. The PPA we need to add is this one from Adam Koczur. You can open your package manager then edit sources. However, you also have to add the key. This is one situation where you should just use the command line.
   sudo apt-add-repository ppa:adamkoczur/gtk1.2
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2
   This should install all the GTK+1.2 library files we need for the emulators.
   Now we need to place the plugins in the correct spot so ePSXe can find and use them. The executable cfg* and the *.cfg need to go into the cfg folder. An example would be "cfgPeopsOSS" and "spuPeopsOSS.cfg". They need to go in "~/Emulators/ePSXe/cfg/". The library file, *.so.* must go into the plugins folder, "~/Emulators/ePSXe/plugins/". An example would be "".
   tar xzvf gpupeopsmesagl178.tar.gz
   mv peops_psx_mesagl_gpu/ ~/Emulators/ePSXe/plugins/
   mv peops_psx_mesagl_gpu/gpuPeopsMesaGL.cfg ~/Emulators/ePSXe/cfg/
   mv peops_psx_mesagl_gpu/cfgPeopsMesaGL ~/Emulators/ePSXe/cfg/
   rm -r peops_psx_mesagl_gpu/
   tar zxvf spupeopsoss109.tar.gz
   mv ~/Emulators/ePSXe/plugins/
   mv cfgPeopsOSS ~/Emulators/ePSXe/cfg/
   mv spuPeopsOSS.cfg ~/Emulators/ePSXe/cfg/
   rm version_1_9.txt readme_1_9.txt
   Now all you need is a bios file. Just move the bios file into "~/Emulators/ePSXe/bios/".
   cp scph1001.bin ~/Emulators/ePSXe/bios/
   You can now run ePSXe. There might not be audio which can be fixed by using the pulseaudio OSS wrapper.
   padsp ./epsxe
   Now you just have to configure ePSXe to your liking.


   I have heard that there is a package for pSX, but I can't find it. Its probably for an older version of Ubuntu. Anyway, you can download pSX from there site.
   tar xzvf pSX_linux_1_13.tar.bz2
   mkdir ~/Emulators
   mv pSX ~/Emulators
   pSX requires no plugins! However, pSX does require an extra gtk library, specificaly "libgtkglext1".
   sudo apt-get install libgtkglext1
   pSX needs a bios. Place the bios in "pSX/bios/".
   cp scph1001.bin ~/Emulators/pSX/bios/
   pSX has a huge problem. The sound plugin does not like pusleaudio. Basically, we have to shutdown pulse audio to change the sound device in pSX. pSX defaults to "Default". This causes it to crash. All we have to do it set it to an actual audio device. Then everything will work fine. These steps are quite involved so the command line is perfered. When pSX starts change the audio device and quit.
   First, we have to do is shut down pulseaudio. If your Ubuntu is set up like mine, it will auto start right after you close it. This can be fixed by making a "client.conf" in your ".pulse" folder located in your home folder. Inside of "client.conf", you need to enter "autospawn=no". Save and exit. Then, kill pulseaudio with "pulseaudio --kill" or "killall pulseaudio". You may have to run this twice because pulseaudio hasn't used your client.conf wasn't loaded the first time you killed pulseaudio. Then, run pSX with "./pSX". Make sure you are in the correct folder when you do "./pSX" or it will tell you it cannot find the file. Go to configuration -> sound. Select anything besides "Default". "Default" is the whole reason it crashes with pulseaudio. Exit pSX. Move or Delete the client.conf. Start pulseaudio with "pulseaudio --start". Then see if pSX works with pulse "./pSX".
   cd ~/.pulse/
   echo "autospawn=no" >> client.conf
   service pulseaudio restart
   pulseaudio --kill
   cd ~/Emulators/pSX/
   echo "Set your audio device to anything BUT \"Default\""
   mv ~/.pulse/client.conf ~/.pulse/client.conf.backup
   pulseaudio --start
   Now pSX should start and have sound.
   External Links
   Adam Koczur GTK+1.2 PPA - link
   Pete's Domain PCSX Plugins - link
   PCSX Reloaded - link
   ePSXe - link
   pSX - link 
