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Sumber: https://wiki.graz.funkfeuer.at/UbntStations

Hardware description: http://www.ubnt.com

Ubiquiti Networks memberikan SDK untuk firmware (AirOS). SDK dan cross compiler Toolchain dapat di temukan di bagian support dari homepage ubnt.com.

I created patches for the SDK 4.0.1 and 5.3.3 which support most of their products. It got tested on NanoStation5 and PowerStation5 as well with Airgrids but it should work on any Ubiquiti product (as long as it is supported by AirOS 3.x/4.x or 5.x images). My Testimages can be found on our build server http://build.ffgraz.net/ubnt/. The Images contain olsrd and some modfifications in order to build and install it. It also contains a modification of the webinterface which allows the use of no gateway at the network configuration because a static default route destroys dynamic routing.

Patch yang ada tidak mengubah konfigurasi kernel maupun wifi driver untuk menjaga stabilitas & fungsi dari firmware yang asli. Oleh karenanya, firmware yang di patch sebetulnya tidak mempunyai mode adhoc.

Some screenshots of the Webinterface Modifications: UbntStationsScreens

You can build your own Image on Debian/Ubuntu by invoking the following commands:

==SDK 4.0.1

/!\ Due to size restrictions of the rootfs of 4.0.1 SDK i had to disable all olsrd plugins except for dyn_gw and txt_info. If you want to build images with another selection of plugins you have to edit apps/gpl/olsrd.mk.

mkdir ubnt-4.x
cd ubnt-4.x
wget http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/sdk/toolchain-mips-ls_0.1-1.deb
dpkg -i toolchain-mips-ls_0.1-1.deb

Download SDK.UBNT.v4.0.1.4978.tar.bz2 dari ubnt.com

tar jxvf SDK.UBNT.v4.0.1.4978.tar.bz2
wget http://build.ffgraz.net/ubnt/AirOS%20v4.x/XS2.ar2316.v4.0.1.with-olsr-0.6.2/patches/UBNT_SDK4.0.1_files-03.tar.gz
wget http://build.ffgraz.net/ubnt/AirOS%20v4.x/XS2.ar2316.v4.0.1.with-olsr-0.6.2/patches/UBNT_SDK4.0.1_with_olsrd-01.patch
cd SDK.UBNT.v4.0.1.4978
patch -p1 < ../UBNT_SDK4.0.1_with_olsrd-01.patch
tar xzf ../UBNT_SDK4.0.1_files-03.tar.gz

Sekarang kita dapat men-download dan copy source code olsrd

cd apps/gpl/olsrd
wget http://www.olsr.org/releases/0.6/olsrd-<version>.tar.bz2
tar --strip 1 -xjf olsrd-<version>.tar.bz2
rm olsrd-<version>.tar.bz2
cd ../../../
make xs2

Untuk membuat image 5.8GHz ganti xs2 menjadi xs5

Setelah Image dibuat, kita dapat menginstalasinya melalui AirOS Webinterface. Jika interface complain bahwa kita mengupload image yang salah maka kita harus mengupgrade AirOS ke versi yang lebih baru yang memungkinkan firmware third party untuk di masukan.


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