VoIP: Instalasi FreePBX
Software pendukung yang dibutuhkan
- PHP >= 5.2.3
- Apache 2.x (w/ mod_rewrite enabled)
- Instal FreeSwitch
Instal software pendukung
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-xcache php5-xmlrpc php5-mysql php5-gd php5-cli
sudo a2enmod php5
Instalasi FreePBX
2. Checkout a copy of the FreePBX GUI into a web-accessible folder.
To check it out, type:
svn co http://www.freepbx.org/v3/svn/trunk/ freepbx-v3/
3. Change the permissions on your FreeSWITCH directory so the webserver can read/write it. Usually this is done by:
chgrp -R apache /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/* chmod -R g+w /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/*
4. Set the correct permissions on the web files and directories for FreePBX
chmod 777 freepbx/logs/ chmod 777 freepbx/cache/
You can optionally make the configuration files writable to allow the installer to set them up for you. If you do not do this the new file content will be displayed to you and you will be prompted to replace these files manually. To make the configuration files writable
chgrp -R apache freepbx/config/* chmod -R g+w freepbx/config/*
5. Ensure you have the latest PHP DOMDocument support. Note that PHP 5 has a new DOMDocument that depcreates the PHP 4 version. Unfortunately, they are named the same thing, which is confusing. You MUST have the PHP 5 version of DOMXML/DOMDocument to use FreePBX. FreePBX relies extensively on XML functionality for reading/writing XML configuration files.
WINDOWS USERS: Ensure your php.ini file DOES NOT include the line "extension=php_domxml.dll"! This line must be removed or commented out, otherwise, you are using the OLD DOMXML classes.
LINUX USERS: Ensure you have the latest php-domxml libraries. For Fedora/CentOS/RedHat users, just do "yum install php-xml".
6. Ensure you have PDO support installed/enabled for the database you are planning to use. For Fedora/CentOS/RedHat users, just do "yum install php-pdo" and your driver will likely be present.
7. Browse to http://yourserver/your/web/directory/freepbx/ . Follow the installer's instructions.
Catatan ISO
Bagi anda yang tidak mau pusing kepala menginstalasi FreePBX ada baiknya melirik file ISO