MRTG: Advanced

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Dalam banyak hal menggunakan basic configuration MRTG untuk memantau volume lalu lintas jaringan ke server saja tidak cukup. Kita mungkin juga ingin melihat grafik penggunaan CPU, disk, dan memori. Bagian ini menjelaskan cara menemukan nilai yang ingin dipantau dalam file SNMP MIB dan kemudian bagaimana menggunakan informasi ini untuk mengonfigurasi MRTG.

Dalam bagian ini contoh yang digunakan mengasumsikan SNMP Read Only string adalah craz33guy dan paket snmpd snmp libsnmp-dev di Ubuntu atau paket net-snmp-utils RPM di Fedora.

Di Ubuntu 20.04, instalasi menggunakan

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install snmpd snmp libsnmp-dev 
sudo apt -y install snmp-mibs-downloader
sudo sed -i 's/mibs :/# mibs :/g' /etc/snmp/snmp.conf


snmptranslate -On -IR ifTable
snmptranslate .

Mencari dan Melihat isi MIB

Berada di memori, MIB adalah struktur data yang terus diperbarui melalui daemon SNMP. File text konfigurasi MIB terletak di hard disk dan dimuat ke dalam memori setiap kali SNMP restart.

Kita dapat dengan mudah menemukan MIB di Linux dengan menggunakan perintah locate dan memfilter output untuk menyertakan hanya nilai dengan kata "snmp" di dalamnya. Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat dalam kasus ini, MIB terletak di direktori /usr/share/snmp/mibs:

apt -y install mlocate
locate mib | grep snmp

Konfigurasi MIB adalah text file yang bisa di search menggunakan keyword di perintah grep. Contoh berikut melihat semua OBJECT-TYPE dalam MIB,

grep -i OBJECT-TYPE -r /usr/share/snmp/

Kita bisa membaca MIB menggunakan text editor. JANGAN DIUBAH, karena mengubah akan menyebabkan SNMP gagal. MIB sangat kompelks, tapi untung-nya bagian penting biasanya di commented.

Setiap nilai yang dilacak dalam MIB disebut object dan sering disebut dengan Object ID atau OID. Dalam cuplikan file RFC1213-MIB.txt ini, kita dapat melihat bahwa dengan meminta objek tcpActiveOpens mengembalikan jumlah koneksi TCP terbuka yang aktif ke server. Field SYNTAX menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah counter value.

MIB biasanya melacak dua jenis nilai. Counter Value digunakan untuk nilai yang terus meningkat seiring berjalannya waktu, seperti jumlah paket yang melewati NIC atau jumlah waktu sibuk CPU sejak waktu boot. Nilai Integer berubah instant by instant dan berguna untuk melacak statistik seperti jumlah memori yang sedang digunakan.

tcpActiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Counter
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The number of times TCP connections have made a
            direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the
            CLOSED state."
    ::= { tcp 5 } 

Kita perlu mengeksplorasi perbedaan antara terminologi SNMP dan MRTG lebih terinci nanti. Memahami mereka akan menjadi penting dalam memahami bagaimana menggunakan MRTG untuk track nilai MIB.

Test MIB Value

Setelah kita mengidentifikasi nilai MIB yang menarik untuk sistem Linux, kita dapat menggunakan perintah snmpwalk untuk melakukan polling. Sering kali digunakan text alias dalam MIB hanya mereferensikan cabang OID dan bukan OID data yang terletak di leaf terakhir dengan angka tambahan seperti ".0" atau ".1". Perintah snmpget tidak berfungsi pada branch yang memberikan error MIB variable couldn't be found.

Untuk itu set

vi /etc/snmp/snmp.conf

tambah Read Only Community craz33guy (dan Restart snmpd)

rocommunity craz33guy localhost

Dalam contoh di bawah ini, alias OID ssCpuRawUser tampaknya menarik, tetapi perintah snmpget gagal mendapatkan nilai. Tindak lanjut dengan perintah snmpwalk menunjukkan bahwa nilai terletak di ssCpuRawUser.0 sebagai gantinya. Snmpget tersebut kemudian berhasil mengambil data tipe "counter32" dengan nilai saat ini adalah 396271.

# snmpget -v1 -c craz33guy localhost ssCpuRawUser
Error in packet
Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.
Failed object: UCD-SNMP-MIB::ssCpuRawUser
# snmpwalk -v1 -c craz33guy localhost ssCpuRawUser
UUCD-SNMP-MIB::ssCpuRawUser.0 = Counter32: 2849
# snmpget -v1 -c craz33guy localhost ssCpuRawUser.0
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ssCpuRawUser.0 = Counter32: 2851

Nilai MIB yang berhasil bekerja dengan snmpget adalah yang dapat kita gunakan dengan MRTG.

Perbedaan terminologi di MIB dan MRTG

Selalu ingat bahwa MRTG merujuk pada MIB counter value sebagai counter value. Ini mengacu pada MIB integer dan gauge value sebagai ukuran. Secara default, MRTG menganggap semua nilai sebagai counter.

MRTG tidak memplot counter value sebagai grafik yang terus meningkat, MRTG memplot hanya berapa banyak perubahan nilai sejak siklus polling terakhir. Penggunaan CPU biasanya dilacak oleh MIB sebagai counter value; untungnya, kita dapat mengedit file konfigurasi MRTG untuk menjadikannya grafik informasi ini dalam format persentase penggunaan.

Jenis sintaks, nama objek MIB, dan deskripsi tentang apa yang dilakukannya adalah hal terpenting yang perlu kita ketahui saat mengonfigurasi MRTG.CPU Dan Memory Monitoring MIB

The UCD-SNMP-MIB MIB keeps track of a number of key performance MIB objects, including the commonly used ones in Table 23-1.

Table 23-1 Important Objects In The UCD-SNMP-MIB MIB
UCD-SNMP-MIB Object Variable 	MIB Type 	MRTG Type 	Description
ssCpuRawUser 	Counter 	Counter 	

Total penggunaan CPU oleh aplikasi yang dijalankan oleh pengguna nonprivileged sejak sistem di-boot. Menambahkan nilai pengguna, sistem, dan bagus dapat memberikan perkiraan yang baik tentang total penggunaan CPU ..

ssCpuRawSystem 	Counter 	Counter 	Total CPU usage by applications run by privileged system processes since the system booted.
ssCpuRawNice 	Counter 	Counter 	Total CPU usage by applications running at a nondefault priority level.
ssCpuRawIdle 	Counter 	Counter 	

Persentase waktu CPU berjalan idle. Mengurangkan nilai ini dari 100 dapat memberikan perkiraan yang baik tentang total penggunaan CPU.

memAvailReal 	Integer 	Gauge 	Available Physical Memory Space On The Host

TCP/IP Monitoring MIB

MIB TCP-MIB men-track informasi koneksi data dan berisi objek tcpActiveOpens dan tcpCurrEstab yang sangat berguna. Tabel 23.2 merinci objek paling penting dalam TCP-MIB.

Table 23-2 Important Objects In The TCP-MIB MIB

UCD-SNMP-MIB   Object   Variable  MIB Type 	MRTG Type 	Description
tcpActiveOpens Counter  Counter   Measures the number of completed TCP connections.
tcpCurrEstab 	Gauge 	 Gauge 	   Measures the number of TCP connections in the established state
tcpInErrs 	Counter  Counter   Total number of TCP segments with bad checksum errors

Konfigurasi Manual MRTG File

Program cfgmaker MRTG membuat file konfigurasi untuk interface jaringan saja, secara bersamaan melacak dua OID: statistik input dan output data NIC. Program mrtg kemudian menggunakan file-file konfigurasi ini untuk menentukan tipe data yang akan direkam dalam direktori datanya. Program pembuat indeks juga menggunakan informasi ini untuk membuat overview, atau Summary View Web page untuk MIB OID yang kita pantau.

Summary View page ini hanya menampilkan statistik harian. Kita harus mengklik Summary View graphs untuk mendapatkan Detailed View page di belakangnya dengan grafik harian, mingguan, bulanan, dan tahunan. Beberapa parameter dalam file konfigurasi merujuk ke Detailed View, yang lain merujuk pada Summary View.

Jika kita ingin memantau pasangan OID lain, kita harus secara manual membuat file konfigurasi, karena pembuat cfgmaker tidak mengetahui adanya OID selain yang terkait dengan NIC. Program mrtg dan pembuat indeks dapat diberi fed masing-masing OID dari file konfigurasi yang disesuaikan dan akan berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan jika kita mengedit file dengan benar.

Parameter Format

Parameter konfigurasi MRTG selalu diikuti oleh nama grafik yang ditutup oleh kurung siku dan titik dua. Formatnya terlihat seperti ini:

Parameter[graph name]: value

Untuk memudahkan pengeditan, parameter untuk grafik tertentu biasanya dikelompokkan bersama. Setiap grafik dapat melacak dua OIDS yang tercantum dalam parameter Target, yang biasanya ditempatkan di bagian paling atas dari daftar nama grafik. Dua nilai OID dipisahkan oleh simbol &; yang pertama adalah input OID, dan yang kedua adalah output OID.

Legend Parameter

Pada halaman Detailed View Web, setiap grafik memiliki legend yang menunjukkan nilai maks, rata-rata, dan terkini dari statistik OID grafik. Kita dapat menggunakan parameter legendI untuk deskripsi grafik input (OID grafik pertama) dan legendO untuk grafik output (OID grafik kedua).

Ruang yang tersedia di bawah setiap legenda grafik sangat kecil sehingga MRTG juga memiliki parameter legend1 dan legend2 yang ditempatkan di bagian paling bawah halaman untuk memberikan rincian lebih lanjut. Parameter legend1 adalah perluasan dari legendI, dan legend2 adalah perluasan dari legendO.

Ylegend adalah legend untuk sumbu Y, nilai yang kita coba bandingkan. Dalam hal konfigurasi MRTG default, ini akan menjadi aliran data melalui interface dalam bit atau byte per detik. Berikut adalah contoh legenda konfigurasi MRTG default:

YLegend[graph1]: Bits per second
Legend1[graph1]: Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
Legend2[graph1]: Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second
LegendI[graph1]: In
LegendO[graph1]: Out

Kita dapat mencegah MRTG dari mencetak legenda di bagian bawah grafik dengan membiarkan nilai legenda kosong seperti ini:


Nanti kita akan belajar cara mencocokkan legenda dengan OID untuk berbagai situasi.

Options Parameter

Parameter option memberi MRTG informasi pemformatan grafik. Opsi growright memastikan data di kanan layar adalah untuk nilai grafik terkini. Ini biasanya membuat grafik lebih mudah dibaca secara intuitif. MRTG default untuk tumbuh dari kiri.

Opsi nopercent mencegah MRTG dari mencetak statistik gaya persentase dalam legenda di bagian bawah grafik. Opsi gauge mengingatkan MRTG pada fakta bahwa nilai-nilai grafik dari tipe gauge. Jika nilai yang kita pantau adalah dalam byte, maka Anda dapat mengonversi output menjadi bit menggunakan opsi bit. Demikian juga, kita dapat mengonversi nilai per detik ke grafik per menit menggunakan opsi perminute. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh untuk dua grafik yang berbeda:

options[graph1]: growright,nopercent,perminute
options[graph2]: gauge,bits

Jika kita menempatkan parameter ini di bagian atas dengan label [_] ini akan diterapkan ke semua grafik yang ditentukan dalam file. Berikut contohnya.

options[_]: growright

Title Parameter

Title pada Summary Page disediakan oleh parameter Title, parameter PageTop memberitahu title untuk halaman Detailed View. String PageTop harus dimulai dengan < H1 > dan diakhiri dengan < H1 >.

Title[graph1]: Interface eth0
PageTop[graph1]: < H1 > Detailed Statistics For Interface eth0 < H1 >

Scaling Parameter

Parameter MaxBytes adalah jumlah maksimum data yang akan plot MRTG pada grafik. Apa pun lebih dari ini tampaknya menghilang di tepi grafik.

MRTG juga mencoba menyesuaikan grafiknya sehingga nilai terbesar yang diplot pada grafik selalu dekat ke atas. Ini bahkan jika Anda mengatur parameter MaxBytes.

Ketika kita merencanakan nilai yang memiliki nilai maksimum yang diketahui dan kita selalu ingin memiliki nilai ini di bagian atas legenda vertikal, kita mungkin ingin mematikan penskalaan otomatis MRTG. Jika kita merencanakan persentase penggunaan CPU, dan server mencapai maksimum 60%, dengan scaling, MRTG akan memiliki plot vertikal 0% hingga 60%, sehingga puncak vertikal berada di dekat bagian atas gambar grafik.

Ketika scaling dimatikan, dan MaxBytes diatur ke 100, maka puncaknya akan hanya 60% dari jalan karena grafik plot dari 0% hingga 100%. Contoh ini menghilangkan scaling dari tampilan tahunan, bulanan, mingguan, dan harian pada halaman Detailed View dan memberi mereka nilai maksimum 100.

Unscaled[graph1]: ymwd
MaxBytes[graph1]: 100

Mendefinisikan MIB Target Parameter

Seperti yang dinyatakan sebelumnya, MRTG selalu mencoba untuk membandingkan dua nilai OIB MIB yang ditentukan oleh parameter Target. Kita harus menentukan dua objek MIB OID, SNMP password dan alamat IP perangkat yang di query dalam parameter ini, dan pisahkan dengan karakter &:

Target[graph1]: mib-object-1.0&mib-object-2.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>

Nilai numerik, dalam hal ini .0, pada akhir MIB diperlukan. Contoh berikutnya menggunakan perintah SNMP untuk mengembalikan user mode CPU utilization dari Linux server. Perhatikan bagaimana .0 di tambahkan pada akhir output.

[root@silent mibs]# snmpwalk -v 1 -c craz33guy localhost ssCpuRawUser
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ssCpuRawUser.0 = Counter32: 926739
[root@silent mibs]#

The MRTG legends map to the MIBs listed in the target as shown in Table 23-3.

Table 23-3 Mapping MIBs To The Graph Legends
Legend 	Maps To Target MIB
Legend1 	#1
Legend2 	#2
LegendI 	#1
LegendO 	#2

Jadi pada contoh di bawah ini, legend1 dan legendI menggambarkan mib-objek-1.0 dan legend2 dan legendo menjelaskan mib-object-2.0.

Target[graph1]: mib-object-1.0&mib-object-2.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>

Plotting hanya Satu MIB Value

Jika kita ingin memplot hanya satu nilai MIB, kita bisa mengulangi target MIB dalam definisi seperti pada contoh berikut, yang plotnya hanya mib-object-1. Grafik MRTG yang dihasilkan sebenarnya menumpangkan grafik input dan output satu di atas yang lain.

Target[graph1]: mib-object-1.0&mib-object-1.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>

Menambahkan MIB Value menjadi satu untuk sebuah Grafik

Kita bisa menggunakan tanda plus di antara pasangan nilai objek MIB untuk menambahkannya menjadi satu. Contoh berikutnya menambahkan mib-objek-1.0 dan mib-objek-3.0 untuk satu grafik dan menambahkan mib-objek-2.0 dan mib-objek-4.0 untuk yang lainnya.

Target[graph1]: mib-object-1.0&mib-object-2.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address> + mib-object-3.0&mib-object-4.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>

Kita dapat menggunakan operator matematika lainnya, seperti kurang (-), kali (*), dan bagi (%). Tanda kurung kiri dan kanan juga valid. Harus ada spasi sebelum dan sesudah semua operator ini agar MRTG berfungsi dengan benar. Jika tidak, kita akan mendapatkan grafik berbayang yang aneh.

Sample Target: Total CPU Usage

Linux CPU usage is occupied by system processes, user mode processes, and a few processes running in nice mode. This example adds them all together in a single plot.

Target[graph1]:ssCpuRawUser.0&ssCpuRawUser.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address> + ssCpuRawSystem.0&ssCpuRawSystem.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address> + ssCpuRawNice.0&ssCpuRawNice.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>

Be sure to place this command on a single line

Sample Target: Memory Usage

Here is an example for the plotting the amount of free memory versus the total RAM installed in the server. Notice that this is a gauge type variable.

Target[graph1]: memAvailReal.0&memTotalReal.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>
options[graph1]: nopercent,growright,gauge

Next, plot the percentage of available memory. Notice how the mandatory white spaces separate the mathematical operators from the next target element.

Target[graph1]: ( memAvailReal.0& memAvailReal.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-Address> ) * 100 / (  memTotalReal.0&memTotalReal.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-Address> )
options[graph1]: nopercent,growright,gauge

Sample Target: Newly Created Connections

HTTP traffic caused by Web browsing usually consists of many very short lived connections. The tcpPassiveOpens MIB object tracks newly created connections and is suited for this type of data transfer. The tcpActiveOpens MIB object monitors new connections originating from the server. On smaller Web sites you may want to use the perminute option to make the graphs more meaningful.

Target[graph1]: tcpPassiveOpens.0& tcpPassiveOpens.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>
MaxBytes[graph1]: 1000000
Options[graph1]: perminute

Sample Target: Total TCP Established Connections

Other protocols such as FTP and SSH create longer established connections while people download large files or stay logged into the server. The tcpCurrEstab MIB object measures the total number of connections in the established state and is a gauge value.

Target[graph1]: tcpCurrEstab.0&tcpCurrEstab.0:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>
MaxBytes[graph1]: 1000000
Options[graph1]: gauge

Sample Target: Disk Partition Usage

In this example, you'll monitor the /var and /home disk partitions on the system.

1) First use the df -k command to get a list of the partitions in use.

[root@bigboy tmp]# df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8               505605    128199    351302  27% /
/dev/hda1               101089     19178     76692  21% /boot
/dev/hda5              1035660    122864    860188  13% /home
/dev/hda6               505605      8229    471272   2% /tmp
/dev/hda3              3921436    890092   2832140  24% /usr
/dev/hda2              1510060    171832   1261520  73% /var
[root@bigboy tmp]#

2) Add two entries to your snmpd.conf file.

disk  /home
disk  /var

3) Restart the SNMP daemon to reload the values.

[root@bigboy tmp]# systemctl restart snmpd.service

4) Use the snmpwalk command to query the the dskPercent MIB. Object dskPercent.1 refers to the first disk entry in snmpd.conf (/home), and dskPercent.2 refers to the second (/var).

[root@bigboy tmp]# snmpwalk -v 1 -c craz33guy localhost dskPercent.1
UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskPercent.1 = INTEGER: 13
[root@bigboy tmp]# snmpwalk -v 1 -c craz33guy localhost dskPercent.2
UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskPercent.2 = INTEGER: 73
[root@bigboy tmp]#

Your MRTG target for these gauge MIB objects should look like this:

Target[graph1]: dskPercent.1& dskPercent.1:<SNMP-password>@<IP-address>
options[graph1]: growright,gauge

Defining Global Variables

You have to make sure MRTG knows where the MIBs you're using are located. The default location MRTG uses may not be valid. Specify their locations with the global LoadMIBs parameter. You must also define where the HTML files will be located; the example specifies the default Fedora MRTG HTML directory.

LoadMIBs: /usr/share/snmp/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt, /usr/share/snmp/mibs/TCP-MIB.txt
workdir: /var/www/mrtg/

Implementing Advanced Server Monitoring

You now can combine all you have learned to create a configuration file that monitors all these variables, and then you can integrate it into the existing MRTG configuration.

A Complete Sample Configuration

Here is a sample configuration file that is used to query server localhost for CPU, memory, disk, and TCP connection information.

# File: /etc/mrtg/server-info.cfg
# Configuration file for non bandwidth server statistics

# Define global options

LoadMIBs: /usr/share/snmp/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt,/usr/share/snmp/mibs/TCP-MIB.txt
workdir: /var/www/mrtg/

# CPU Monitoring
# (Scaled so that the sum of all three values doesn't exceed 100)

Target[server.cpu]:ssCpuRawUser.0&ssCpuRawUser.0:craz33guy@localhost +  ssCpuRawSystem.0&ssCpuRawSystem.0:craz33guy@localhost + ssCpuRawNice.0&ssCpuRawNice.0:craz33guy@localhost
Title[server.cpu]: Server CPU Load
PageTop[server.cpu]: < H1 >CPU Load - System, User and Nice Processes< /H1 >
MaxBytes[server.cpu]: 100
ShortLegend[server.cpu]: %
YLegend[server.cpu]: CPU Utilization
Legend1[server.cpu]: Current CPU percentage load
LegendI[server.cpu]: Used
Options[server.cpu]: growright,nopercent
Unscaled[server.cpu]: ymwd

# Memory Monitoring (Total Versus Available Memory)

Target[server.memory]: memAvailReal.0&memTotalReal.0:craz33guy@localhost
Title[server.memory]: Free Memory
PageTop[server.memory]: < H1 >Free Memory< /H1 >
MaxBytes[server.memory]: 100000000000
ShortLegend[server.memory]: B
YLegend[server.memory]: Bytes
LegendI[server.memory]: Free
LegendO[server.memory]: Total
Legend1[server.memory]: Free memory, not including swap, in bytes
Legend2[server.memory]: Total memory
Options[server.memory]: gauge,growright,nopercent
kMG[server.memory]: k,M,G,T,P,X

# Memory Monitoring (Percentage usage)
Title[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory
PageTop[server.mempercent]: < H1 >Percentage Free Memory< /H1 >
Target[server.mempercent]: ( memAvailReal.0&memAvailReal.0:craz33guy@localhost ) * 100 / ( memTotalReal.0&memTotalReal.0:craz33guy@localhost )
options[server.mempercent]: growright,gauge,transparent,nopercent
Unscaled[server.mempercent]: ymwd
MaxBytes[server.mempercent]: 100
YLegend[server.mempercent]: Memory %
ShortLegend[server.mempercent]: Percent
LegendI[server.mempercent]: Free
LegendO[server.mempercent]: Free
Legend1[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory
Legend2[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory

# New TCP Connection Monitoring (per minute)

Target[server.newconns]: tcpPassiveOpens.0&tcpActiveOpens.0:craz33guy@localhost
Title[server.newconns]: Newly Created TCP Connections
PageTop[server.newconns]: < H1 >New TCP Connections< /H1 >
MaxBytes[server.newconns]: 10000000000
ShortLegend[server.newconns]: c/s
YLegend[server.newconns]: Conns / Min
LegendI[server.newconns]: In
LegendO[server.newconns]: Out
Legend1[server.newconns]: New inbound connections
Legend2[server.newconns]: New outbound connections
Options[server.newconns]: growright,nopercent,perminute

# Established TCP Connections

Target[server.estabcons]: tcpCurrEstab.0&tcpCurrEstab.0:craz33guy@localhost
Title[server.estabcons]: Currently Established TCP Connections
PageTop[server.estabcons]: < H1 >Established TCP Connections< /H1 >
MaxBytes[server.estabcons]: 10000000000
YLegend[server.estabcons]: Connections
LegendI[server.estabcons]: In
Legend1[server.estabcons]: Established connections
Options[server.estabcons]: growright,nopercent,gauge

# Disk Usage Monitoring

Target[server.disk]: dskPercent.1&dskPercent.2:craz33guy@localhost
Title[server.disk]: Disk Partition Usage
PageTop[server.disk]: < H1 >Disk Partition Usage /home and /var< /H1 >
MaxBytes[server.disk]: 100
ShortLegend[server.disk]: %
YLegend[server.disk]: Utilization
LegendI[server.disk]: /home
LegendO[server.disk]: /var
Options[server.disk]: gauge,growright,nopercent
Unscaled[server.disk]: ymwd

Testing The Configuration

The next step is to test that MRTG can load the configuration file correctly.

Restart SNMP to make sure the disk monitoring commands in the snmpd.conf file are activated. Run the /usr/bin/mrtg command followed by the name of the configuration file three times. If all goes well, MRTG will complain only about the fact that certain database files don't exist. MRTG then creates the files. By the third run, all the files are created and MRTG should operate smoothly.

[root@bigboy tmp]# systemctl restart snmpd.service
[root@bigboy tmp]# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/server-stats.cfg

Creating A New MRTG Index Page To Include This File

Use the indexmaker command and include your original MRTG configuration file from Chapter 22, " Monitoring Server Performance", (/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg) plus the new one you created (/etc/mrtg/server-stats.cfg).

[root@bigboy tmp]# indexmaker --output=/var/www/mrtg/index.html \
/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg /etc/mrtg/server-stats.cfg

Configuring cron To Use The New MRTG File

The final step is to make sure that MRTG is configured to poll your server every five minutes using this new configuration file. To do so, add this line to your /etc/cron.d/mrtg file.

0-59/5 * * * * root env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/server-stats.cfg

Some versions of Linux require you to edit your /etc/crontab file instead. See Chapter 22, " Monitoring Server Performance", for more details. You will also have to restart cron with the service crond restart for it to read its new configuration file that tells it to additionally run MRTG every five minutes using the new MRTG configuration file.

[root@bigboy tmp]# systemctl restart crond.service

Monitoring Non Linux MIB Values

All the MIBs mentioned so far are for Linux systems; other types of systems will need additional MIBs whose correct installation may be unclear in user guides or just not available. In such cases, you'll need to know the exact value of the OID. Scenario

Imagine that your small company has purchased a second-hand Cisco switch to connect its Web site servers to the Internet. The basic MRTG configuration shown in Chapter 22, " Monitoring Server Performance", provides the data bandwidth statistics, but you want to measure the CPU load the traffic is having on the device, as well. Downloading MIBs from Cisco and using them with the snmpget command was not a success. You do not know what to do next. Find The OIDs

When MIB values fail, it is best to try to find the exact OID value. Like most network equipment manufacturers, Cisco has an FTP site from which you can download both MIBs and OIDs. The SNMP files for Cisco's devices can be found at in the /pub/mibs directory; OIDs are in the oid directory beneath that.

After looking at all the OID files, you decide that the file CISCO-PROCESS-MIB.oid will contain the necessary values and find these entries inside it.

"cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex"  ""
"cpmCPUTotal5sec"           ""
"cpmCPUTotal1min"           ""
"cpmCPUTotal5min"           ""
"cpmCPUTotal5secRev"        ""
"cpmCPUTotal1minRev"        ""
"cpmCPUTotal5minRev"        ""

Testing The OIDs

As you can see, all the OIDs are a part of the same tree starting with The OIDs provided may be incomplete, so it is best to use the snmpwalk command to try to get all the values below this root first.

[root@bigboy tmp]# snmpwalk -v1 -c craz33guy cisco-switch
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 32
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 32
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 32
[root@bigboy tmp]#

Although listed in the OID file,,, and are not supported. Notice also how SNMP has determined that the first part of the OID value ( in the original OID file maps to the word "enterprise".

Next, you can use one the snmpget command to set only one of the OID values returned by snmpwalk.

[root@bigboy tmp]# snmpget -v1 -c craz33guy cisco-switch \
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 33
[root@bigboy tmp]#

Success! Now you can use this OID value, enterprises., for your MRTG queries.

Speeding up MRTG with RRDtool

MRTG is a very useful program but it has a limitation. All the graphs and web pages are recreated each time a device is polled. This can potentially overload your MRTG server especially if you have a large number of monitored devices and the graphs take more than five minutes to generate. RRDtool is an application written by the creator of MRTG that can store general purpose data, but generates graphs on demand. Integrating MRTG with RRDtool can have very noticeable performance benefits. The example that follows will show you how to quickly implement a general purpose solution.


The use of RRDtool is needed to reduce the load on a monitoring server that has been experiencing very sluggish performance due to the amount of MRTG graphs it has to regenerate every polling cycle.

  • Due to space constraints, the RRD database needs to be located in the /var partition.
  • The server has a default Apache configuration with the CGI files needed for dynamically generated content being located in the /var/www/cgi-bin directory.
  • A CGI script is required that will read the new MRTG data in RRDtool format.
  • The MRTG configuration file is /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg.

Here's how to proceed.

Installing RRDtool

The RRDtool and RRDtool PERL module file can be downloaded from its website at, but installation can be tricky as the installation program may look for certain supporting libraries in the wrong directories.

Fortunately the prerequisite rrdtool and rrdtool-perl packages now come as part of most Linux distributions. For more details on installing packages, see Chapter 6, "Installing Linux Software"). Storing the MRTG Data in RRDtool Format

This phase of the integration process can be done in a few minutes, but the steps can be tricky:

   The first step is to add some new options to your cfgmaker command. The first indicates that MRTG should only store rrdtool formatted data, and the second defines the /var/mrtg directory in which it should be stored. For added security, the directory should be external to your web server's document root.
--global 'LogFormat: rrdtool' --global "workdir: /var/mrtg"  --global 'IconDir: /mrtg'
   Finally, you should also specify an icon directory which specifies the location of all miscellaneous MRTG web page icons. The RRD web interface script we'll install later uses an incorrect location. The icon directory /mrtg is actually a partial URL location. In this Fedora scenario we are using the default Apache configuration which locates the MRTG icon files in the /var/www/mrtg directory. If you are using a non default Apache MRTG configuration or are using other Linux distributions or versions you may have to copy the icons to the custom directory in which the MRTG PNG format icon files are located.
   The cfgmaker program is simple to use and is covered in in Chapter 22, "Monitoring Server Performance".
   The next step is to create the data repository directory /var/mrtg and make it be owned by the apache user and process that runs the default Linux web server application.
[root@bigboy tmp]# mkdir /var/mrtg
[root@bigboy tmp]# chown apache /var/mrtg
[root@bigboy tmp]#
   Note: If you are using SELinux you'll have to change the context of this directory to match that of the /var/www/html directory so that the apache process will be able to read the database files when your CGI script needs them. These commands compare the contexts of the both directories and apply the correct set to /var/mrtg.
   Please refer to Chapter 20, " The Apache Web Server" for more details on file contexts with Apache.
[root@bigboy tmp]# ls -alZ /var/www | grep html
drwxr-xr-x  root     root     system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t html
[root@bigboy tmp]# ls -alZ /var | grep mrtg
drwxr-xr-x  apache   root     root:object_r:var_t              mrtg
[root@bigboy tmp]# chcon -R -u system_u -r object_r -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/mrtg
[root@bigboy tmp]#
   We now need to test that the RRD files are being created correctly. Run MRTG using the /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg file as the source configuration file then test to see if the contents of the /var/mrtg directory have changed. Success!
[root@bigboy tmp]# ls /var/mrtg/
[root@bigboy tmp]# 

The files are being created properly. Now we need to find a script to read the new data format and present it in a web format. This will be discussed next.

The MRTG / RRDtool Integration Script

The MRTG website recommends the script located on the mrtg-rrd website ( as being a good one to use. Let's go ahead and install it.

   Download the script using wget. The site lists several versions; make sure you get the latest one.

[root@bigboy tmp]# wget --12:42:12--

          => `mrtg-rrd-0.7.tar.gz'

Resolving Connecting to||:21... connected. Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in! ... ... ... 15:24:50 (53.53 KB/s) - `mrtg-rrd-0.7.tar.gz' saved [20863] [root@bigboy tmp]# ls mrtg-rrd-0.7.tar.gz [root@bigboy tmp]#

   Extract the contents of the tar file. 

[root@bigboy tmp]# tar -xzvf mrtg-rrd-0.7.tar.gz mrtg-rrd-0.7/ mrtg-rrd-0.7/COPYING mrtg-rrd-0.7/FAQ mrtg-rrd-0.7/TODO mrtg-rrd-0.7/Makefile mrtg-rrd-0.7/mrtg-rrd.cgi mrtg-rrd-0.7/ChangeLog [root@bigboy tmp]#

   Create the /var/www/cgi-bin/mrtg directory and copy the mrtg-rrd.cgi file to it.

[root@bigboy tmp]# mkdir -p /var/www/cgi-bin/mrtg [root@bigboy tmp]# cp mrtg-rrd-0.7/mrtg-rrd.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin/mrtg/ [root@bigboy tmp]#

   Edit the mrtg-rrd.cgi file and make it refer to the /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg file for its configuration details, or you can specify all the .cfg files in your /etc/mrtg directory.
  1. File: mrtg-rrd.cgi (Single File)
  1. EDIT THIS to reflect all your MRTG config files

BEGIN { @config_files = qw(/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg); }

  1. File: mrtg-rrd.cgi (multipl .cfg files)
  1. EDIT THIS to reflect all your MRTG config files

BEGIN { @config_files = </etc/mrtg/*.cfg>; }

   You should now be able to access your MRTG RRD graphs by visiting this URL:

Once installed, RRDtool operates transparently with MRTG. You'll have to remember to add the RRD statements to any new MRTG configurations and also add the configuration file to the CGI script. Our monitoring server can now breathe a little easier. Troubleshooting

The troubleshooting techniques for advanced MRTG are similar to those mentioned in Chapter 22, " Monitoring Server Performance", but because you have done some customizations you'll have to go the extra mile.

   Verify the IP address and community string of the target device you intend to poll.
   Make sure you can do an SNMP walk of the target device. If not, revise your access controls on the target device and any firewall rules that may impede SNMP traffic.
   Ensure you can do an SNMP get of the specific OID value listed in your MRTG configuration file.
   Check your MRTG parameters to make sure they are correct. Gauge values defined as counter and vice versa will cause your graphs to have continuous zero values. Graph results that are eight times what you expect may have the bits parameter set.
   There are a few errors common to initial RRDtool integration.
   Web messages like this where the reference to the MRTG configuration file in the CGI script was incorrect

Error: Cannot open config file: No such file or directory

   "Permission Denied" web messages are usually caused by incorrect file permissions and / or SELinux contexts

Error: RRDs::graph failed, opening '/var/mrtg/localhost_192.168.1.100.rrd': Permission denied

   Errors in the /var/log/httpd/errorlog file referring to files or directories that don't exist can be caused by an incorrect IconDir statement in the MRTG configuration file.

[Wed Jan 04 15:42:13 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/var, referer: http://bigboy/cgi-bin/mrtg/mrtg-rrd.cgi/

[Wed Jan 04 15:45:46 2006] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat:

/var/www/cgi-bin/mrtg/mrtg-l.png, referer: http://bigboy/cgi-bin/mrtg/mrtg-rrd.cgi/
   Errors caused by not installing the pre-requisite RRD RPM modules rrdtool, perl-RRD-Simple and rrdtool-perl.

ERROR: could not find Use LibAdd: in mrtg.cfg to help mrtg find

These quick steps should be sufficient in most cases and will reward you with a more manageable network. Conclusion

Using the guidelines in this chapter you should be able to graph most SNMP MIB values available on any type of device. MRTG is an excellent, flexible monitoring tool and should be considered as a part of any systems administrator's server management plans.


Pranala Menarik