Orange: Spiralogram
Revision as of 06:12, 7 April 2020 by Onnowpurbo (talk | contribs)
Widget Spiralogram mem-visualisasi auto-correlation yang ada di berbagai varibel.
Time series: Time series as output by As Timeseries widget.
Widget Spiralogram mem-visualisasi periodicity time series dalam spiral heatmap.
- Unit of the vertical axis. Options are: years, months, or days (as present in the series), months of year, days of week, days of month, days of year, weeks of year, weeks of month, hours of day, minutes of hour.
- Unit of the radial axis (options are the same as for (1)).
- Aggregation function. The series is aggregated on intervals selected in (1) and (2).
- Select the series to include.
Gambar widget Spiralogram di atas memperlihatkan traffic pada jalan tol tertentu di Perancis. Kita melihat pola musiman yang kuat (pada musim panas) ada sedikit anomaly pada bulan Juli 1992. Pada bulan Juli 1992, terjadi demo pengemudi truk yang protes terhadap aturan jalan yang baru.
See also