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Apakah Cybercrime?

Mungkin pembuat konten malware yang paling berbahaya adalah hacker dan kelompok hacker yang membuat program perangkat lunak berbahaya dalam upaya untuk memenuhi tujuan kriminal khusus mereka. Penjahat cyber ini menciptakan virus komputer dan program Trojan yang dapat:

  • Mencuri password untuk akses akun bank.
  • Mengiklankan produk / layanan di komputer korban.
  • Penggunaan secara ilegal komputer korban untuk menjalankan
  - Kampanye spam
  - Distributed Network Attack (juga dikenal sebagai DDoS attack)
  - Operasi Blackmailing

==Apakah Cybercrime - dan apa resikonya?

To discover more about how cybercriminals operate – and the risks of falling prey to their activities – please click on the links below:

   Support for Spammers
   Distributed Network Attacks / DDoS
   What is a Botnet?
   Premium-Charge Calls and Sending Paid SMS
   Stealing Electronic Currency
   Stealing Online Banking Information
   Ransomware & Cyber Blackmail
   Evolving Virus Delivery Methods
   Targeted Computer Virus Attacks

Bagaimana cara memproteksi diri dari Cybercrime

With cybercriminals using so many techniques to attack users’ computers and data, multi-layer defences are a necessity. Anti-malware solutions that combine signature-based detection, heuristic analysis and cloud-assisted technologies can do more to defend your devices and data against new, sophisticated threats.

Kaspersky Lab is recognised for its world-class, multi-layer anti-malware products that can protect a range of computers and devices against cybercrime, including:

   Windows PCs
   Linux computers
   Apple Macs