OpenWebLoad adalah alat untuk menguji beban aplikasi web. Ini bertujuan agar mudah digunakan dan menyediakan pengukuran kinerja yang mendekati real-time dari aplikasi yang diuji. Hal ini khususnya berguna ketika anda melakukan optimasi karena anda dapat melihat dampak perubahan yang anda lakukan sesegera mungkin.
Instalasi Aplikasi Pendukung
apt-get install kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot wget bzip2 \ fakeroot kernel-wedge build-essential makedumpfile libncurses5
cd /usr/local/src/ wget
cd /usr/local/src/ tar zxvf openload-0.1.2.tar.gz ./configure make make install
openload [options] 10
The 2 parameters are:
The url of the web page you want to test. Number of simultanous clients to simulate. This is optional and defaults to 5. A number of options is also available. See here for a detailed description of all the options.
You will then get output similar to this:
$ openload localhost 10 URL: http://localhost:80/ Clients: 10 MaTps 355.11, Tps 355.11, Resp Time 0.015, Err 0%, Count 511 MaTps 339.50, Tps 199.00, Resp Time 0.051, Err 0%, Count 711 MaTps 343.72, Tps 381.68, Resp Time 0.032, Err 0%, Count 1111 MaTps 382.04, Tps 727.00, Resp Time 0.020, Err 0%, Count 1838 MaTps 398.54, Tps 547.00, Resp Time 0.018, Err 0%, Count 2385 MaTps 425.78, Tps 670.90, Resp Time 0.014, Err 0%, Count 3072
Total TPS: 452.90 Avg. Response time: 0.021 sec. Max Response time: 0.769 sec
- MaTps: a 20 second moving average of TPS.
- Tps: (Transactions Per Second) is the number of completed requests during that second.
- Resp Time: the average response time in seconds for the elapsed second.
- Err: the percentage of responses that was erronous, i.e. didn't return a HTTP 200 Ok staus.
- Count: the total number of completed requests.
- Total TPS is the average TPS for the whole run, i.e. (Total completed requests) / (Total elapsed time).
- Avg. Response time: the overall average response time in seconds.
- Max Response time: the highest response time during this run.
Note: you stop the run by pressing Enter.