OS: Android - Modifikasi build.prop
Default Editing build.prop tutorial
I haven't seen a guide for this yet...but if there is mods please delete this.
Your build.prop is what tells android what your phone is. A Nexus S a Motorola Droid, or a Samsung Epic. Knowing how to change it can be EXTREMELY useful from tweaking your phone to faking it to run netflix.
There's 3 ways to modify your build.prop. You must have root (and busybox) for all of them, but I beleive if you want to you can unroot and it will stick.
ADB Adb is a part of the android sdk, and is more for advanced users then novices. You can modify your build.prop by using adb and pulling it, editing it on your computer, and putting it back. Not the simplest way.
Type in adb: Code:
adb pull /system/build.prop C:\Users\user\Desktop
Always replace "user" with your windows username
You should see a file named "build.prop" on your desktop. Open it with WORDPAD, not notepad. Change what you want. When your done, type this:
adb push C:\Users\user\Desktop\build.prop /sdcard/build.prop
This will put the build.prop on your sd card, since we cannot directly push to /system
adb shell
This should give you a shell. A shell is where you can run commands. After you have a shell, type:
su mount -o remount,rw none /system busybox cp /sdcard/build.prop /system/build.prop mount -o remount,ro none /system
You have successfully changed your build.prop!
File Expert (or other free file managers) and text edit
This involves two apps, File Expert (or similar) and Text Edit. They can be found on the market here: File Expert and Text Edit
After you install these two apps, open File Expert. Click the menu button (the one on the phone), more, and Settings. Click on File Explorer Settings and click Root Explorer. It should request root, allow it. Press back twice to go back to your sd card. Then press back twice again. Click on /system. Press the menu button, more, and click mount. Select "Mount as Read Write". Now long click on build.prop and select File Operations. Click permission. A menu should pop-up, check the boxes so it looks like this Code:
X X [] X X [] X X []
and click apply. Now, click on build.prop and it should say open as. Click text, then Text Edit. Feel free to edit as you please! Once your done, click menu, then save. Then close the application. Don't forget to go to file expert and unmount system as rw, do this by going to the system folder and clicking menu, more, Mount, Mount as Read Only. Your done!
The easy way Go buy an app. Really, some are worth the trouble. Two apps that will help edit your build.prop are Absolute System and Root Explorer
Thats about it. Any suggestions on how to edit, I'll add in this op. So be sure to leave them!