RockCluster: Submit Job
Revision as of 10:07, 30 July 2011 by Onnowpurbo (talk | contribs)
Submit Job Menggunaan mpirun
Ambil source code tachyon dari
1. Copy the file tachyon-0.97.tar.gz (Tachyon source and examples) from the workshop CD and untar them in your home directory with:
tar xzf tachyon-0.97.tar.gz
2. cd tachyon/unix 3. Use a text editor to open the file Make-arch 4. Search for the config options for "linux-lam" 5. Copy this set of options to a new entry. 6. Change (in the new entry) linux-lam to linux-mpich 7. Change "CC = hcc" to "CC = gcc" 8. Change -I$(LAMHOME)/h to -I/opt/mpich/gnu/include 9. Change -L$(LAMHOME)/lib to -L/opt/mpich/gnu/lib 10. Change -lmpi to -lmpich 11. Save, quit the editor and run "make linux-mpich" to build tachyon. If this doesn't work you probably missed on of the edits above, or applied them in the wrong place. The tachyon binary will end up in compile/linux-mpich/. 12. cd (back to your home directory) 13. Use a text editor to create the file machines containing:
compute-0-0 compute-0-1 compute-0-2
14. Run Tachyon on the three slave machines with:
/opt/mpich/gnu/bin/mpirun -v -np 3 -machinefile machines \ tachyon/compile/linux-mpich/tachyon +V tachyon/scenes/balls.dat
15. Look at the timing output, which is broken into different stages of the calculation. Run on two and one processors (change -np 3) and calculate speedups for the different stages as well as the total time.
Submit Job Menggunakan qsub