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Kita perlu menset / memastikan bahwa router yang ada siap untuk UPnP message. Kita dapat menggunakan setup manual seperti

route add -net netmask eth0

Instalasi ushare menggunakan perintah

apt-get install ushare

uShare jalan melalui konsol. Cara menjalankan uShare dapat di ketahui melalui option --help

   -n, --name=NAME              Set UPnP Friendly Name (default is 'uShare')
   -i, --interface=IFACE        Use IFACE Network Interface (default is 'eth0')
   -f, --cfg=FILE               Config file to be used
   -p, --port=PORT              Forces the HTTP server to run on PORT
   -q, --telnet-port=PORT       Forces the TELNET server to run on PORT
   -c, --content=DIR            Share the content of DIR directory (default is './')
   -w, --no-web                 Disable the control web page (enabled by default)
   -t, --no-telnet              Disable the TELNET control (enabled by default)
   -o, --override-iconv-err     If iconv fails parsing name, still add to media contents (hoping the renderer can handle it)
   -v, --verbose                Set verbose display.
   -x, --xbox                   Use XboX 360 compliant profile
   -d, --dlna                   Use DLNA compliant profile (PlayStation3 needs this)
   -D, --daemon                 Run as a daemon.
   -V, --version                Display the version of uShare and exit
   -h, --help                   Display this help 

uShare membutuhkan satu directory yang di share menggunakan argumen -c, tempat di mana file multimedia tersimpan.

specifying where multimedia files are stored. You should probably also use the -i option to specify which interface uShare should listen on.

ushare -c /shares ushare -c /shares1 --content=/shares2

You can also perform remote control of uShare UPnP Media Server through its web interface. This let you define new content locations at runtime or update the currently shared one in case the filesystem has changed.

Just go to :


See the manual page for more details :

man ushare

top Supported File Formats List

  • Video files: asf, avi, dv, divx, wmv, mjpg, mjpeg, mpeg, mpg, mpe, mp2p, vob, mp2t, m1v, m2v, m4v, m4p, mp4ps, ts, ogm, mkv, rmvb, mov, qt, hdmov
  • Audio files: aac, ac3, aif, aiff, at3p, au, snd, dts, rmi, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpa, ogg, wav, pcm, lpcm, l16, wma, mka, ra, rm, ram, flac
  • Images files: bmp, ico, gif, jpeg, jpg, jpe, pcd, png, pnm, ppm, qti, qtf, qtif, tif, tiff
  • Playlist files: pls, m3u, asx
  • Subtitle files: dks, idx, mpl, pjs, psb, scr, srt, ssa, stl, sub, tts, vsf, zeg
  • Various text files: bup, ifo


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