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Jcow lets you start a social network in minutes. You get free features including Profile pages, Photo Albums, Blogs, Videos, Musics, Events, and More.

Top 10 reasons to choose Jcow

  1. Handle more traffic - Clean codes and Dynamic caching can lower the CPU load and speed up your website.
  2. Make your site more interactive - Well designed Jcow applications help you members to connect and communicate with others more effectively.
  3. Add questions to the Registration Form - You can add new member fields, which will be displayed to the registration form, profile form, and the member browsing form.
  4. Easily share stuff - Within the AJAX sharing Box, your members can publish status, photos, videos, and blogs.
  5. Customize and Extend your Jcow Network - A Jcow network consists of core apps(like "Friends" and "Messages") and optional apps(like "Blogs" and ""Videos"). You can enable/disable optional apps. You can also develop your own apps.
  6. Every profile could be Unique - Members can customize their own profile theme and add music player to the page.
  7. Members know what's happening to them - Profile was commented, photo was commented, forum post was replied, comment was replied,... The "Notifications" tell everything to the member.
  8. The power of "Following" - The Twitter's success tells us that people like to know the updates from those they are interested in.
  9. Give permissions the way you want - Jcow permissions depend on "Member Roles". You can edit roles and give a member multiple roles. This logic enables you to members more easily.
  10. Make money from your Network - With the Ads management, you can easily insert ads codes like Google Adsense. You can also let Jcow hide the ad to specified member roles.



Pranala Menarik