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Several new frequency bands have been added to the 3GPP licensed spectrum over the years, and there is a direct correlation between spectrum and bandwidth available for services. To understand this, we can look at the history of cellular technology. Originally, low-band (< 1 GHz) bands dominated which were optimal for wide-area voice and SMS coverage. Operator 1G and 2G networks were universally deployed in these low bands which can be characterized as very broad coverage with limited bandwidth. Operators typically had 10 or 20 MHz of spectrum available in any given market with which to offer services.
Several new frequency bands have been added to the 3GPP licensed spectrum over the years, and there is a direct correlation between spectrum and bandwidth available for services. To understand this, we can look at the history of cellular technology. Originally, low-band (< 1 GHz) bands dominated which were optimal for wide-area voice and SMS coverage. Operator 1G and 2G networks were universally deployed in these low bands which can be characterized as very broad coverage with limited bandwidth. Operators typically had 10 or 20 MHz of spectrum available in any given market with which to offer services.
Beberapa pita frekuensi baru telah ditambahkan ke spektrum berlisensi 3GPP selama bertahun-tahun, dan terdapat korelasi langsung antara spektrum dan lebar pita yang tersedia untuk layanan. Untuk memahaminya, kita bisa melihat sejarah teknologi seluler. Awalnya, band low-band (<1 GHz) mendominasi yang optimal untuk cakupan suara dan SMS area luas. Jaringan operator 1G dan 2G digunakan secara universal di pita rendah ini yang dapat dicirikan sebagai cakupan yang sangat luas dengan bandwidth terbatas. Operator biasanya memiliki spektrum 10 atau 20 MHz yang tersedia di pasar mana pun untuk menawarkan layanan.
With 3G and 4G, many mid-bands (1 – 6 GHz) were added in order to improve mobile broadband. These bands have shorter wavelengths and thus shorter reach, but larger bands of spectrum are available. Recently new spectrum sharing schemes including LAA and CBRS have been introduced in these middle bands. When operators can leverage these new bands, total bandwidth available for end-user services increases significantly. An operator with LTE Advanced service leveraging carrier aggregation across multiple licensed bands plus LAA can offer peak user bandwidth in excess of 1 Gbps.
With 3G and 4G, many mid-bands (1 – 6 GHz) were added in order to improve mobile broadband. These bands have shorter wavelengths and thus shorter reach, but larger bands of spectrum are available. Recently new spectrum sharing schemes including LAA and CBRS have been introduced in these middle bands. When operators can leverage these new bands, total bandwidth available for end-user services increases significantly. An operator with LTE Advanced service leveraging carrier aggregation across multiple licensed bands plus LAA can offer peak user bandwidth in excess of 1 Gbps.
Dengan 3G dan 4G, banyak band menengah (1 – 6 GHz) ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan broadband seluler. Pita-pita ini memiliki panjang gelombang yang lebih pendek sehingga jangkauannya lebih pendek, tetapi tersedia pita spektrum yang lebih besar. Baru-baru ini skema pembagian spektrum baru termasuk LAA dan CBRS telah diperkenalkan di pita tengah ini. Saat operator dapat memanfaatkan pita baru ini, total bandwidth yang tersedia untuk layanan pengguna akhir meningkat secara signifikan. Operator dengan layanan LTE Advanced yang memanfaatkan agregasi operator di beberapa pita berlisensi plus LAA dapat menawarkan bandwidth pengguna puncak lebih dari 1 Gbps.
With 5G, in addition to even more mid-bands, high bands (6 – 60 GHz) are being added which introduce entirely new challenges. mmWave spectrum is getting significant attention because of the extremely high bandwidth available to deploy services, leading to multigigabit speeds for users. The challenge with this high band/mmWave spectrum is that the wavelengths are extremely short and thus the radio waves do not propogate through external or even internal walls.
With 5G, in addition to even more mid-bands, high bands (6 – 60 GHz) are being added which introduce entirely new challenges. mmWave spectrum is getting significant attention because of the extremely high bandwidth available to deploy services, leading to multigigabit speeds for users. The challenge with this high band/mmWave spectrum is that the wavelengths are extremely short and thus the radio waves do not propogate through external or even internal walls.
Dengan 5G, selain lebih banyak pita menengah, pita tinggi (6 – 60 GHz) ditambahkan yang menghadirkan tantangan yang sama sekali baru. Spektrum mmWave mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan karena bandwidth yang sangat tinggi tersedia untuk menyebarkan layanan, yang mengarah ke kecepatan multigigabit bagi pengguna. Tantangan dengan spektrum band/mmWave tinggi ini adalah bahwa panjang gelombangnya sangat pendek sehingga gelombang radio tidak merambat melalui dinding eksternal atau bahkan dinding internal.
==Application and recommendations==
==Application and recommendations==
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In an indoor environment there are unique considerations. Ericsson recommends a design and deployment approach tightly tied to the intended use cases for the indoor deployment. We take each use case category below.
In an indoor environment there are unique considerations. Ericsson recommends a design and deployment approach tightly tied to the intended use cases for the indoor deployment. We take each use case category below.
Mobile Broadband use cases
==Mobile Broadband use cases==
Although Mobile Broadband is only one of the use case categories supported by 5G, we expect it will be the dominant requirement for initial 5G indoor deployments. In order to enable 5G mobile broadband use cases, there must be sufficient end user bandwidth. Ericsson recommends the following for indoor 5G mobile broadband deployments.
Although Mobile Broadband is only one of the use case categories supported by 5G, we expect it will be the dominant requirement for initial 5G indoor deployments. In order to enable 5G mobile broadband use cases, there must be sufficient end user bandwidth. Ericsson recommends the following for indoor 5G mobile broadband deployments.

Revision as of 05:37, 27 November 2022

Sumber: https://www.ericsson.com/en/reports-and-papers/white-papers/bringing-5g-networks-indoors

Dengan jaringan 5G yang sekarang mengudara dari operator Tier Satu di seluruh dunia, ada semangat yang luar biasa dengan teknologi baru ini dan apa artinya bagi masa depan. Optimisme seputar 5G ini dibenarkan dan diharapkan mengingat berbagai kemampuan baru dan lebih baik termasuk peningkatan besar-besaran dalam kecepatan broadband, latensi sangat rendah, dukungan perangkat IoT dalam jumlah besar dan kasus penggunaan penting yang memerlukan tingkat keandalan dan keamanan tertinggi. Beberapa keuntungan ini dapat dicapai dengan peningkatan perangkat lunak dari sistem LTE yang ada, sementara yang lain terkait langsung dengan spektrum baru, teknologi radio, dan arsitektur penyebaran.

Untuk jaringan Indoor (dalam ruangan), 5G akan memberikan pengalaman baru bagi konsumen, kemungkinan baru untuk efisiensi operasional dengan IoT, otomasi industri, dan layanan komunikasi baru. Namun ada banyak pertanyaan di industri seputar tantangan dan peluang unik dalam menghadirkan 5G indoor.

5G memperkenalkan perubahan evolusioner dan revolusioner dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya. Hal ini menimbulkan menimbulkan pertanyaan terkait cara terbaik untuk menghadirkan kemampuan baru ini ke ruang indoor, seperti,

  • Apa penggunaan (use case) 5G untuk aplikasi indoor?
  • Spektrum / frekuensi yang sebaiknya digunakan?

5G indoor use case

Pengenalan 4G LTE telah merevolusi jaringan broadband seluler. Perubahan radikal dalam masyarakat konsumen telah dimungkinkan oleh peningkatan besar-besaran dalam throughput dan kapasitas, memungkinkan seluruh ekosistem baru di sekitar aplikasi smartphone yang bermanfaat / berdampak ekonomis. Dengan cara yang sama bahwa mustahil untuk memprediksi transformasi yang dimungkinkan oleh 4G, industri berada di ambang transformasi yang lebih mendasar dengan 5G. Selain kemajuan dalam broadband seluler multi-Gbps, 5G akan memperkenalkan arsitektur fundamental baru untuk mendukung aplikasi Massive IoT dan Critical Realtime IoT. Berikut adalah use case 5G yang terbagi dalam tiga kategori utama, hanya sebagian yang relevan untuk menggunaan indoor.

Figure 1 - 5G offers a variety of use cases – the use cases that are relevant indoors are filled in with color

Enhanced mobile broadband

Enhanced mobile broadband adalah langkah perubahan bandwidth yang berasal dari 5G yang akan memungkinkan user experience lebih baik dengan memanfaatkan peningkatan. Sementara 4G LTE berkembang dan menawarkan kecepatan lebih dari 1Gbps dengan kemajuan seperti LAA dan Massive MIMO, 5G akan memungkinkan bandwidth hingga 10 dan 20 Gbps tergantung pada spektrum yang tersedia. Di gedung (indoor), ini akan memungkinkan aplikasi Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, dan Mixed Reality baru dikirimkan ke perangkat nirkabel yang memiliki aplikasi di bidang manufaktur dan hiburan. 5G juga akan mengaktifkan kamera streaming nirkabel dengan resolusi 4K dan bahkan 8K. Ini dapat mengaktifkan wireless security camera, streaming video beresolusi tinggi untuk pelatihan atau pendidikan, atau di lebih banyak ruang publik, mengunggah video ke media sosial. Kasus penggunaan ini semuanya relevan di lingkungan dalam ruangan.

Peak data rate dan kapasitas untuk broadband seluler dibatasi oleh jumlah spektrum RF yang tersedia – meskipun 5G dapat menggunakan spektrum yang ada secara lebih efisien daripada LTE dalam beberapa kasus, peningkatan kecepatan broadband seluler akan dibatasi oleh spektrum yang tersedia. Hal ini merupakan tantangan untuk KOMINFO yang mengatur kebutuhan ini.

Massive IoT

Massive IoT adalah rangkaian kasus penggunaan yang mengandalkan cakupan luas dan berbiaya rendah untuk membawa message data yang sangat kecil (pendek) dari ribuan perangkat. Ini bukan pesan kritis waktu tetapi agak tidak peka terhadap delay yang kecil, melainkan memprioritaskan biaya dan masa pakai batere.

Contoh utama dari Massive IoT adalah untuk smart meter, sensor network, dan tracking. Ketiga kasus penggunaan ini dapat diterapkan di indoor. Beberapa kasus penggunaan diidentifikasi di bawah ini:

  • Teknologi smart building untuk melacak dan mengelola lingkungan dalam ruangan - sensor suhu, sensor gerak, sensor cahaya yang semuanya terkait dengan unit HVAC, shading jendela otomatis, dan sistem lampu.
  • Tracking objek – rumah sakit, misalnya, melacak tempat tidur, troli peralatan, mesin portabel individu. Dalam sebuah stadion olah raga kita dapat melacak antrean di pintu masuk, antrian di toilet dll. Sementara di Bandara, kita dapat melacak penggunaan kursi roda, troli bagasi, bus / mobil listrik pembawa penumpang, mobil tanki bensin pesawat dll.
  • Tracking scanner, berbagai gadget / perangkat, serta aplikasi logistik di lingkungan indoor seperti pabrik atau pusat distribusi

Massive IoT applications are beginning to be deployed today with 4G LTE technology. The LTE standard contains specific techniques to enable low-bandwidth, very low power devices to coexist in the same network as high-performance smartphones. 5G builds on these LTE capabilities, enabling even higher scalability of device density.

Aplikasi IoT besar-besaran mulai digunakan hari ini dengan teknologi 4G LTE. Standar LTE berisi teknik khusus untuk mengaktifkan bandwidth rendah, perangkat berdaya sangat rendah untuk hidup berdampingan di jaringan yang sama dengan ponsel cerdas berperforma tinggi. 5G dibangun di atas kemampuan LTE ini, memungkinkan skalabilitas kepadatan perangkat yang lebih tinggi.

Critical IoT

Critical IoT, unlike Massive IoT, implies extremely high reliability, exceedingly low latency and 99.999% (5 nines) availability. This is where 5G is really separating itself from 4G LTE.

IoT kritis, tidak seperti IoT Massive, menyiratkan keandalan yang sangat tinggi, latensi yang sangat rendah, dan ketersediaan 99,999% (5 sembilan). Di sinilah 5G benar-benar memisahkan diri dari 4G LTE.

Use cases being tested in this area include remote control of robotic machinery and automated vehicles. Labor regulations and industry standards place extremely stringent requirements on these safety-critical control systems to ensure worker and public safety. 5G networks will achieve end-to-end latencies on the order of 1 millisecond.

Kasus penggunaan yang diuji di area ini mencakup remote control mesin robot dan kendaraan otomatis. Peraturan ketenagakerjaan dan standar industri menempatkan persyaratan yang sangat ketat pada sistem kontrol kritis keselamatan ini untuk memastikan keselamatan pekerja dan publik. Jaringan 5G akan mencapai latensi end-to-end dalam urutan 1 milidetik.

To achieve the reliability, latency and availability expected with these new use cases, networks must evolve to incorporate new technology coming with the 5G standard in 2020. Specifically, the 5G NR standard with Stand Alone core network.

Untuk mencapai keandalan, latensi, dan ketersediaan yang diharapkan dengan kasus penggunaan baru ini, jaringan harus berevolusi untuk menggabungkan teknologi baru yang hadir dengan standar 5G pada tahun 2020. Secara khusus, standar 5G NR dengan jaringan inti Stand Alone.

Some of the low latency aspects will also come from new distributed architectures, where some control and processing occurs at the edge of the network. For an indoor application, this will require a local node either on premise or within a very short distance.

Beberapa aspek latensi rendah juga akan datang dari arsitektur terdistribusi baru, di mana beberapa kontrol dan pemrosesan terjadi di tepi jaringan. Untuk aplikasi dalam ruangan, ini membutuhkan node lokal baik di lokasi atau dalam jarak yang sangat dekat.

As discussed above, the nature of the 5G use case desired is critical to understand before attempting to define the technical requirements of the network. Each different use case has different implications for the spectrum required and the architecture required to support.

Seperti dibahas di atas, sifat kasus penggunaan 5G yang diinginkan sangat penting untuk dipahami sebelum mencoba menentukan persyaratan teknis jaringan. Setiap kasus penggunaan yang berbeda memiliki implikasi berbeda untuk spektrum yang diperlukan dan arsitektur yang diperlukan untuk mendukung.

5G and Spectrum

Several new frequency bands have been added to the 3GPP licensed spectrum over the years, and there is a direct correlation between spectrum and bandwidth available for services. To understand this, we can look at the history of cellular technology. Originally, low-band (< 1 GHz) bands dominated which were optimal for wide-area voice and SMS coverage. Operator 1G and 2G networks were universally deployed in these low bands which can be characterized as very broad coverage with limited bandwidth. Operators typically had 10 or 20 MHz of spectrum available in any given market with which to offer services.

Beberapa pita frekuensi baru telah ditambahkan ke spektrum berlisensi 3GPP selama bertahun-tahun, dan terdapat korelasi langsung antara spektrum dan lebar pita yang tersedia untuk layanan. Untuk memahaminya, kita bisa melihat sejarah teknologi seluler. Awalnya, band low-band (<1 GHz) mendominasi yang optimal untuk cakupan suara dan SMS area luas. Jaringan operator 1G dan 2G digunakan secara universal di pita rendah ini yang dapat dicirikan sebagai cakupan yang sangat luas dengan bandwidth terbatas. Operator biasanya memiliki spektrum 10 atau 20 MHz yang tersedia di pasar mana pun untuk menawarkan layanan.

With 3G and 4G, many mid-bands (1 – 6 GHz) were added in order to improve mobile broadband. These bands have shorter wavelengths and thus shorter reach, but larger bands of spectrum are available. Recently new spectrum sharing schemes including LAA and CBRS have been introduced in these middle bands. When operators can leverage these new bands, total bandwidth available for end-user services increases significantly. An operator with LTE Advanced service leveraging carrier aggregation across multiple licensed bands plus LAA can offer peak user bandwidth in excess of 1 Gbps.

Dengan 3G dan 4G, banyak band menengah (1 – 6 GHz) ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan broadband seluler. Pita-pita ini memiliki panjang gelombang yang lebih pendek sehingga jangkauannya lebih pendek, tetapi tersedia pita spektrum yang lebih besar. Baru-baru ini skema pembagian spektrum baru termasuk LAA dan CBRS telah diperkenalkan di pita tengah ini. Saat operator dapat memanfaatkan pita baru ini, total bandwidth yang tersedia untuk layanan pengguna akhir meningkat secara signifikan. Operator dengan layanan LTE Advanced yang memanfaatkan agregasi operator di beberapa pita berlisensi plus LAA dapat menawarkan bandwidth pengguna puncak lebih dari 1 Gbps.

With 5G, in addition to even more mid-bands, high bands (6 – 60 GHz) are being added which introduce entirely new challenges. mmWave spectrum is getting significant attention because of the extremely high bandwidth available to deploy services, leading to multigigabit speeds for users. The challenge with this high band/mmWave spectrum is that the wavelengths are extremely short and thus the radio waves do not propogate through external or even internal walls.

Dengan 5G, selain lebih banyak pita menengah, pita tinggi (6 – 60 GHz) ditambahkan yang menghadirkan tantangan yang sama sekali baru. Spektrum mmWave mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan karena bandwidth yang sangat tinggi tersedia untuk menyebarkan layanan, yang mengarah ke kecepatan multigigabit bagi pengguna. Tantangan dengan spektrum band/mmWave tinggi ini adalah bahwa panjang gelombangnya sangat pendek sehingga gelombang radio tidak merambat melalui dinding eksternal atau bahkan dinding internal.

Application and recommendations

With such a variety of use cases, technology choices and deployment architectures, it can be bewildering to sort out which are the optimal arhictectural choices for introducing 5G indoors.

In an indoor environment there are unique considerations. Ericsson recommends a design and deployment approach tightly tied to the intended use cases for the indoor deployment. We take each use case category below.

Mobile Broadband use cases

Although Mobile Broadband is only one of the use case categories supported by 5G, we expect it will be the dominant requirement for initial 5G indoor deployments. In order to enable 5G mobile broadband use cases, there must be sufficient end user bandwidth. Ericsson recommends the following for indoor 5G mobile broadband deployments.

  • Wide channel bandwidths (up to 100 MHz)
  • Higher order MIMO (e.g. 8x8)
  • Coordinated RAN with outdoor network to reduce indoor dominance requirements; indoor and outdoor networks complement each other

High SINR with “good RF” high throughput

To achieve these network characteristics,a “deep layering” approach is recommended, with multiple mid-range (1 – 6 GHz) bands layered and multiple MIMO layers per band across all available spectrum. Layering would easily be extended into unlicensed and shared-access spectrum (such as LAA and carrier aggregation with CBRS). Innovations such as Cell Border Shifting can help minimize inter-cell interference and “dead zones” of low performance. To meet these specific requirements for 5G enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), Distributed Radio architectures have advantages compared to traditional distributed antennas (DAS) or uncoordinated small cells (femtocell) architectures.

Figure 2: A deep layer approach in a standard enterprise environment Figure 2: A deep layer approach in a standard enterprise environment

Features Features Distributed Radio DAS Uncoordinated Small Cells Cost of scaling Low cost scaling with IT-grade cabling High cost scaling with higherorder MIMO High cost to scaling Capacity Flexible expansion in centralized baseband Densification of capacity per square meter requires expensive installation of headend equipment and splitting of equipment throughout the venue Fixed maximum capacity per area Mid-band capabilities Low, medium and high-band availability Limited mid-band capabilities (3.5GHz) Limited to femto chipset Flexibility of reconfiguration Flexible capacity reconfiguration Highly inflexible and expensive to reconfigure Inflexible Evolution to mmWave Supported No evolution to mmWave Inflexible evolution, capped by femto chipset limitations Additional functionality RF-agnostic out to very edge, avoids coax limitations

Massive IoT use cases

Massive IoT (M-IoT) will be the second dominant use case required for indoor 5G networks. Indoor M-IoT will complement outdoor M-IoT architectures. Indoor massive IoT will begin with migration of existing low bands (sub-1 GHz) to NR. These will primarily be outdoor high-power macro radios. Specific improvements in 5G standards will improve cell-edge performance over 4G, which will help outdoor-in coverage to extend. This enables M-IoT deployments with 4G technology today, with a path to even higher scalability after 5G migration. Low-band outside-in massive IoT will be complemented as needed by using the layered mid-band spectrum deployed indoors for MBB, or even with low-band indoor in extreme cases.

Advantages of Distributed Radio for Massive IoT

Enables easy selective deployment in limited areas Flexible capacity assignment between bands Ability to share common RAN capacity with outside low band coverage Figure - Massive IoT use cases Critical IoT use cases

Critical Realtime IoT is the last of the three main use case categories to be addressed. Although many improvements have been made in LTE standards to improve end-to-end latency to approx. 5-10 ms, the critical realtime requirement of 1 ms latency can only be achieved using innovations included in 5G standards. It will take some time for the required enhancements to both the radio access and core networks to reach full commercial availability.

Radio access networks for 5G will use new RF spectrum allocations that are much higher in frequency than the low- and medium-frequency bands optimal for mobile broadband and massive IoT. The addition of mmWave bands in the 20 – 60 GHz range is a critical step in the evolution of indoor 5G. Ultra-high bandwidth availble in mmWave spectrum enables massive throughput, while wider subcarrier spacing can improve critical realtime IoT latency. However, indoors, propagation will be limited to open areas with limited penetration through interior walls. These characteristics may constrain mmWave deployment to only those areas where the benefits are most required. Examples of such indoor spaces might include manufacturing assembly lines requiring extensive coordination of robotics and automated vehicles.

5G Core network advances include network slicing, enabling computation resources for critical realtime applications to be physically located at the edge of the network, reducing network transmission delays. Edge computing will be a key enabler.


Ericsson envisions indoor 5G networks of the future to be based on a deep layering of midband spectrum, complemented by outside-in low bands for M-IoT and indoor mmWave bubbles for ultra-high capacity and realtime critical IoT. Distributed Radio architectures are best suited to meet the challenges due to their low deployment cost, flexible capacity and close coordination between bands and with surrounding RAN deployments.

Network operators, enterprises and policy makers should consider the 5G use cases that will be needed in the future to ensure that infrastructure investments are not stranded. When modernizing existing in-building networks with 4G, build a foundation of coverage and capacity that will be easily expanded to include 5G capabilities in the future.

Pranala Menarik