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Sumber: https://docs.biolab.si//3/visual-programming/widgets/unsupervised/distancematrix.html
Sumber: https://docs.biolab.si//3/visual-programming/widgets/unsupervised/distancematrix.html
Visualizes distance measures in a distance matrix.
Mem-visualisaikan hasil pengukuran distance dalam sebuah distance matrix.
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  Table: distance measures in a distance matrix
  Table: distance measures in a distance matrix
The Distance Matrix widget creates a distance matrix, which is a two-dimensional array containing the distances, taken pairwise, between the elements of a set. The number of elements in the dataset defines the size of the matrix. Data matrices are essential for hierarchical clustering and they are extremely useful in bioinformatics as well, where they are used to represent protein structures in a coordinate-independent manner.
Widget Distance Matrix membuat distance matrix, yang merupakan array dua dimensi yang berisi distance, diambil berpasangan, di antara elemen-elemen dari set. Jumlah elemen dalam dataset menentukan ukuran matrix.. Matrix data sangat penting untuk hierarchical clustering dan mereka sangat berguna dalam bioinformatika juga, di mana mereka digunakan untuk merepresentasikan struktur protein dalam cara yang bebas koordinat.
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* Click Send to communicate changes to other widgets. Alternatively, tick the box in front of the Send button and changes will be communicated automatically (Send Automatically).
* Click Send to communicate changes to other widgets. Alternatively, tick the box in front of the Send button and changes will be communicated automatically (Send Automatically).
The only two suitable inputs for Distance Matrix are the Distances widget and the Distance Transformation widget. The output of the widget is a data table containing the distance matrix. The user can decide how to label the table and the distance matrix (or instances in the distance matrix) can then be visualized or displayed in a separate data table.
Hanya dua input yang cocok untuk Distance Matrix yaitu widget Distances dan Distance Transformation widget. Output dari widget adalah tabel data yang berisi distance matrix. Pengguna dapat memutuskan bagaimana memberi label pada tabel dan distance matrix (atau contoh dalam distance matrix) kemudian dapat divisualisasikan atau ditampilkan dalam tabel data terpisah.

Revision as of 11:52, 22 February 2020

Sumber: https://docs.biolab.si//3/visual-programming/widgets/unsupervised/distancematrix.html

Mem-visualisaikan hasil pengukuran distance dalam sebuah distance matrix.


Distances: distance matrix


Distances: distance matrix
Table: distance measures in a distance matrix

Widget Distance Matrix membuat distance matrix, yang merupakan array dua dimensi yang berisi distance, diambil berpasangan, di antara elemen-elemen dari set. Jumlah elemen dalam dataset menentukan ukuran matrix.. Matrix data sangat penting untuk hierarchical clustering dan mereka sangat berguna dalam bioinformatika juga, di mana mereka digunakan untuk merepresentasikan struktur protein dalam cara yang bebas koordinat.

  • Elements in the dataset and the distances between them.
  • Label the table. The options are: none, enumeration, according to variables.
  • Produce a report.
  • Click Send to communicate changes to other widgets. Alternatively, tick the box in front of the Send button and changes will be communicated automatically (Send Automatically).

Hanya dua input yang cocok untuk Distance Matrix yaitu widget Distances dan Distance Transformation widget. Output dari widget adalah tabel data yang berisi distance matrix. Pengguna dapat memutuskan bagaimana memberi label pada tabel dan distance matrix (atau contoh dalam distance matrix) kemudian dapat divisualisasikan atau ditampilkan dalam tabel data terpisah.


The example below displays a very standard use of the Distance Matrix widget. We compute the distances between rows in the sample from the Iris dataset and output them in the Distance Matrix. It comes as no surprise that Iris Virginica and Iris Setosa are the furthest apart.



Pranala Menarik