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Line 22: Line 22:
  cp /usr/share/doc/ezstream/examples/ezstream_mp3.xml ~
  cp /usr/share/doc/ezstream/examples/ezstream_mp3.xml ~
  cd ~
  cd ~
chmod -Rf 644 ezstream_mp3.xml
  gedit ~/ezstream_mp3.xml
  gedit ~/ezstream_mp3.xml
Line 57: Line 58:
url adalah lokasi server. Disini digunakan localhost karena icecast2 berjalan di mesin yang sama. onnoradio bisa di ubah ke nama lain. Alamat lengkap http://localhost:8000/onnoradio
sourcepassword sesuai dengan settingan di file konfigurasi icecast2.
filename adalah lokasi dari playlist, bisa relatif terhadap file konfigurasi atau absolut.
stream_once set ke 0 untuk looping. Set ke 1 untuk di jalankan sekali.
svrinfopublic set ke 0 untuk menjaga agar stasiun radio kita tidak masuk ke halaman kuning icecast.
==Menjalankan Ezstream==
    url is the location of your server (localhost since ezstream is running on the same machine as icecast2) followed by the name of your feed. This can be anything and I chose armin. In a moment, after ezstream is feeding mp3's to the icecast2 server, your listeners can point their clients to http://your-server-or-ip-adres:8000/armin to hear the music.
    sourcepassword is the password we set in the icecast2 config file.
    filename is the location of our playlist, relative to the config file or an absolute path.
    stream_once is set to 0 to keep repeating the playlist. Set to 1 of you only want to play your list once.
    svrinfopublic is set to 0 to prevent your radio station from being published on the public yellow pages of icecast.
The last thing to do is start ezstream and start broadcasting to the world!
  ezstream -c ~/ezstream_mp3.xml
  ezstream -c /home/wim/ezstream_mp3.xml
Now, point a music client like totem, rhythmbox or audacious to http://your-server-or-ip-adres.org:8000/armin (or where ever your server is located) and start listening.
Now, point a music client like totem, rhythmbox or audacious to http://your-server-or-ip-adres.org:8000/armin (or where ever your server is located) and start listening.

Revision as of 19:11, 17 July 2011

Ezstream adalah program Command Line untuk mengirimkan stream ke icecast.

Instalasi Ezstream

apt-get install ezstream

Membuat Playlist

Cara yang paling gampang misalnya

find /var/data/album/lagu/pop-barat/ -name *mp3 -type f > /var/data/album/playlist-onno.txt

Konfigurasi Ezstream

Ada banyak contoh konfigurasi Ezstream

ls /usr/share/doc/ezstream/examples

Disini kita menggunakan ezstream_mp3.xml

cp /usr/share/doc/ezstream/examples/ezstream_mp3.xml ~
cd ~
chmod -Rf 644 ezstream_mp3.xml
gedit ~/ezstream_mp3.xml


    <svrinfoname>My Stream</svrinfoname>
    <svrinfodescription>This is a stream description</svrinfodescription>
url adalah lokasi server. Disini digunakan localhost karena icecast2 berjalan di mesin yang sama. onnoradio bisa di ubah ke nama lain. Alamat lengkap http://localhost:8000/onnoradio
sourcepassword sesuai dengan settingan di file konfigurasi icecast2.
filename adalah lokasi dari playlist, bisa relatif terhadap file konfigurasi atau absolut.
stream_once set ke 0 untuk looping. Set ke 1 untuk di jalankan sekali.
svrinfopublic set ke 0 untuk menjaga agar stasiun radio kita tidak masuk ke halaman kuning icecast.

Menjalankan Ezstream

ezstream -c ~/ezstream_mp3.xml

Now, point a music client like totem, rhythmbox or audacious to http://your-server-or-ip-adres.org:8000/armin (or where ever your server is located) and start listening.

You may want to autostart ezstream after a reboot by adding a command to /etc/rc.local.

There is more info available at

   icescast2: http://www.icecast.org/
   ezstream: http://www.icecast.org/ezstream.php


Tip 1: If your server is behind a router, don't forget to configure port forwarding or your router will block all requests to port 8000.

Tip 2: If for some reason you want to skip to the next song in your playlist, execute the following command and send the SIGUSR1 signal to the running ezstream process:

kill -10 `pidof ezstream`

Happy broadcasting. And keep it legal, will you?


Pranala Menarik