Difference between revisions of "SchoolOnffLine: Set Root Password"

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* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Berbasis Sabily 9.04]]
* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Berbasis Sabily 9.04]]
* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Berbasis Ubuntu 9.04]]
* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Berbasis Ubuntu 9.04]]
* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Berbasis Ubuntu 9.04 Server]]
* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Wikipedia for School]]
* [[SchoolOnffLine: Server Wikipedia for School]]

Latest revision as of 05:38, 2 September 2009

Untuk memudahkan misalnya set root password menjadi 123456

# passwd root
Enter new UNIX password: <123456>
Retype new UNIX password: <123456>
passwd: password updated successfully

Pranala Menarik