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Sumber: https://sourceforge.net/p/fldigi/wiki/debian_howto/
Sumber: https://sourceforge.net/p/fldigi/wiki/debian_howto/
Build dependencies
On Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Raspbian/RPi3 it is easiest to install the build dependencies for fldigi using the apt-get build-dep command. To do this, the source code repositories must be enabled.
Enable source repositories on Debian, Ubuntu and Raspbian/RPi3/RPi4
==Install aptitude & development packages==
Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list using the text editor nano in a terminal window. This is a system file so you must execute commands as root.
First, make a backup copy of the file:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
locale en_US.UTF-8
$ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak
sudo apt -y install aptitude wget libfltk1.3 libfltk1.3-dev libsamplerate0-dev \
Now edit the file:
libsamplerate0 portaudio19-dev libsndfile1 libsndfile1-dev libhamlib-dev \
libhamlib4 libhamlib++4 libhamlib++-dev
$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo aptitude update
Uncomment the lines which start with deb-src by deleting the leading ''# " characters.
sudo aptitude install build-essential
Save the changes with control-O, then exit //nano// with control-X. Note: if there is no "deb-src" line in your sources.list file then continue on through the wiki and enable the source repositories as described below for Linux Mint.
sudo aptitude build-dep fldigi
sudo aptitude install libxft-dev
sudo aptitude install libudev-dev
For those that don't have the aptitude package installed, especially those on a Raspberry Pi, it needs to be installed before proceeding to be sure of resolving the build dependencies. It's recommended you accept the recommended conflict resolution offered unless you have a good reason not to.
==download & compile fldigi==
$ sudo apt-get install aptitude
Next, update the apt package cache:
$ sudo aptitude update
cd ~
Enable source repositories on Linux Mint 18, 19
mkdir -p dev
Choose Administration->Software Sources from the main menu to open the Software Sources program.
cd dev
Check Enable source code repositories. Next, update the apt cache:
wget http://www.w1hkj.com/files/fldigi/fldigi-4.1.20.tar.gz
tar xzf fldigi-4.1.20.tar.gz
on Linux Mint 18: click the Update the cache button
cd ~/dev/fldigi-4.1.20
on Linux Mint 19: click the OK button
./configure --enable-optimizations=native
on Linux Mint 20
Choose System->Software Sources from the main menu to open the Software Sources program
click the Source code repositories button
click the OK button
Close the Software Sources program.
Install the basic development packages (all distros)
$ sudo aptitude install build-essential
Install the build dependency packages (all distros)
$ sudo aptitude build-dep fldigi
Aptitude will assist you in resolving any library version conflicts. This may occur on some Debian/Ubuntu/Mint recent distributions.
Portaudio development headers / libs may conflict on a system with Jack pre-installed. Portaudio is required for fldigi to compile, so do not accept a recommendation that does not include installing the portaudio library. Aptitude will offer suggested solutions to resolve the conflict (including doing nothing).
Make sure that build-dep has installed libxft-dev. Test by looking for the Xft.h header.
On Ubuntu/Mint/Pi3/Pi4: /usr/include/X11/Xft/Xft.h
If it does not exist you can install libxft-dev manually:
$ sudo aptitude install libxft-dev
If you get an error about libudev-dev not installed you will need to install it manually as well.
$ sudo aptitude install libudev-dev
Special Note for Pi3 & Pi4 users with 1 GB RAM
Compiling fldigi requires more than the default swap space. You may need to increase the swap space on the microSD card. Please follow the example instructions at Pi Swap Space and use the number 2048 instead of 1024 to give 2 GB of swap. Some users have needed the larger swap space.
You are now ready to build fldigi.
Getting the fldigi source
Download the latest source tarball (tar.gz) to your /home directory from here:
* download directory at W1HKJ web site
If you want to be on the bleeding edge you can download from the alpha page
will allow access to all of the applications developed and supported by W1HKJ & associates, both distribution and alpha versions.
The source tarball contains all the files needed to compile fldigi.
Unpacking the tarball
Open your file manager and locate the downloaded tarball. Right-click the file and select Extract Here. Scroll up to the unpacked tarball directory, right-click and select Open In Terminal.
Alternate procedure from a terminal, including creating a development directory in the user home directory:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir dev
$ cd dev
$ wget http://www.w1hkj.com/files/fldigi/fldigi-x.xx.xx.tar.gz
$ tar xzf fldigi-x.xx.xx.tar.gz
$ cd fldigi-x.xx.xx
where 'x.xx.xx' is the version number of the most recently posted source archive.
Compiling fldigi
At this point you will have a source tree extracted from the tarball containing a configure script. Now you need to prepare the source for compilation with the configure command. This generates the Makefiles that make uses to run the compiler and linker. configure has various options to fine-tune the build. Run it in the terminal window:
$ ./configure --enable-optimizations=native
Note the leading ''./'' prefixed to configure*.
*Do not include the ''--enable-optimizations=native'' option if building on Pi.
On the RPi3 or 4 you may include "--enable-optimizations=rpi3 (or 4)" only when compiling fldigi or flrig in order to take the best advantage of the RPi3 or 4 hardware.
If you do not find a configure script in the directory, it can be re-generated using the command
$ autoreconf -i
Verify the configure script now exists and rerun the script as shown above.
Successful completion of //configure// prints a configuration summary:
Configuration summary:
  Version .......................... 4.1.15
  Static linking ................... no
  CPU optimizations ................ native
  Debugging ........................ no
  fldigi ........................... yes
  flarq ............................ yes
  i18n ............................. yes
fldigi build options:
  sndfile .......................... yes
  oss .............................. yes
  portaudio ........................ yes
  pulseaudio ....................... yes
  flxmlrpc ......................... external lib
  hamlib ........................... yes
Proceed to make and install fldigi and flarq.
$ make && sudo make install
This command will install the fldigi and flarq binaries, manual pages, icons and desktop launchers.
Final Touches
The recommended sound server for fldigi is Pulse Audio, but you will need to install the volume manager.
$ sudo aptitude install pavucontrol
Open the volume manager and in the first 2 tabs, make sure you select the correct sound card. Also set Playback to 50%, you will also want to set the Output to 50% as not to over-drive the output during the initial set up.
Pi3 users may find the pulse sound server is not started at boot. If so add the following to
  "@pulseaudio --start"
Next you will need to add yourself to the dialout group. There are two ways to do this.
You can use the Users and Groups found in your menu or from a terminal::
$ sudo adduser (your user name) dialout
In either case you will need to log out and back in for it to take effect.
That should get you up and running with fldigi.
Edited by :: Dave W1HKJ, Ed W3NR, Joe K0OG, Bob NW8L, Cliff AE5ZA
Jika dibutuhkan
autoreconf -i
Lanjut compile
make && sudo make install
sudo aptitude install pavucontrol
sudo adduser (your user name) dialout
* https://sourceforge.net/p/fldigi/wiki/debian_howto/
* https://sourceforge.net/p/fldigi/wiki/debian_howto/

Latest revision as of 18:17, 15 November 2021

Sumber: https://sourceforge.net/p/fldigi/wiki/debian_howto/

Install aptitude & development packages

dpkg-reconfigure locales
sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
locale en_US.UTF-8
sudo apt -y install aptitude wget libfltk1.3 libfltk1.3-dev libsamplerate0-dev \
libsamplerate0 portaudio19-dev libsndfile1 libsndfile1-dev libhamlib-dev \
libhamlib4 libhamlib++4 libhamlib++-dev
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install build-essential
sudo aptitude build-dep fldigi
sudo aptitude install libxft-dev
sudo aptitude install libudev-dev

download & compile fldigi

cd ~
mkdir -p dev
cd dev
wget http://www.w1hkj.com/files/fldigi/fldigi-4.1.20.tar.gz
tar xzf fldigi-4.1.20.tar.gz
cd ~/dev/fldigi-4.1.20
./configure --enable-optimizations=native

Jika dibutuhkan

autoreconf -i

Lanjut compile

make && sudo make install
sudo aptitude install pavucontrol
sudo adduser (your user name) dialout
